Wednesday 2 June 2021

>>>#2/6/21 Sparta 4964 is nothing and yet it is everything

At the end of the day, we are only accountable for our own actions.

Therefore, I hold myself responsible for all my actions whether I am suffering from Bipolar Disorder or not.

To keep things in perspective, I say as long as I am sensible, then I still have a sound mind.  Thus, those peculiar thoughts are essentially who I am.

We are who we think about all day long and thought are things.

Therefore whatever thoughts are real to those who believe.

Surely this too is a statement of belief.  It should start with I, Sharudin Jamal, the owner of my sound faculties believe:

We are One and we are Many.  We are within God and God is within us.  Much like peeling an onion.  In every layer there is God.  All matters are intelligent and all matters are gods.

Basically, I will just be who I am.  Not a bit of worry. 


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