Saturday 5 June 2021

5/6/21 ***Self-reflection

 The most wonderful feeling is the feeling of being complete.  By being complete we feel contented.

How do we get this feeling?  The best is through the feeling of gratitude.  Be grateful for the little things that we got.  A nice cold glass of water, a good night's sleep, tasty food, or just simply a pleasant day.

We should cherish the simple pleasures in life.  We do that by not having too high of an expectation.  For a start, be humble.  Be small and insignificant.  Blend in the background.  Just vanish amidst the mayhem.

I know this doesn't make sense to the majority of people, we want to make a statement.  We want to be noticed.  We seek attention.  We seek approval.

That is not the idea of being a Sigma.  As a Sigma, we move permeably across the membranes of society.  To do that we have to be microscopic.

Which is higher to maintain?  An elephant or an ant?  Definitely an elephant or anything that is gargantuan.  More of anything means more to maintain.  Keep everything small, less and cheap.  Once you understand this, you are one step towards independence.

You don't need to rely on an extensive support structure.  You are self-reliant.  Everything about you should be low maintenance if not maintenance-free.  That is true freedom.

As long as you have to maintain something or someone, you are forever dependent on the thing or the person.  To be independent is to be free from dependency.

I didn't know this until much later in life.

Go for less or less frequent and avoid high maintenance.  Worse if it involves a maintenance fee.  That is why I will never stay in a high-rise resident.  Unless [] (I) am extremely rich, I will not have an apartment or a condominium.

The idea of being rich bothers me unless as I said, I am extremely rich and I can afford to maintain the support staff to run my household.

This life that I have now is really the Goldilock point of good living.  

That is why I think I will remain here in this sweet spot because I am already in my White Space.

As I said in the beginning; I'm already complete.  I don't need anything more tha[t] (than) this.  Just give me a sound mind and a sound body so that I can be thin and fast.  That way I can just Run, Read, Write, Rest and Repeat.

Sure, I want to get paid.  That is for my House of Sha.  For myself, I'm already set for life.  Just pay me my portion.  You can have the whole planet if you want to.  I am already contented with my 5 km radius.


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