Monday 21 June 2021

22/6/21 ^^^Good start with Rex Montis

 While I am focusing on my Private Victory, I still want to keep an eye on the Public Victory.

I think Rex's session is suited for that.

The Public Victory is divided into People and Tasks.  As a general rule, we follow the PWC Five Paradox Principles to deal with these matters.  They are:

  • #1 - Positive Change Requires Significant Stability
  • #2 - To Build an Enterprise, Focus Upon the Individuals
  • #3 - Focus on Culture, Indirectly
  • #4 - True Empowerment Requires Forceful Leadership
  • #5 - In Order to Build, You Must Tear Down
I think today during CaT, I read The Paradox Principles.  This is the book:

While we are trying to achieve certain goals that are task-oriented, do not undermine the need to build people first.

Do note that the past 4 years are about Vision Alignment and Values Instillation.  Then we are going through another 4 years to cascade the Shared Vision to the Vision Community, namely the Change Agents.

Notice, in total, we are talking about spending EIGHT years just on the people aspect of the Vision Quest.

This is important because during the Eclipse of Change *the[] (there) are bound to be skeptics and cynics.  We need to address the WIIFM question with these people.

*  OK Sarah, my antenna is up on this issue after you made 2 interventions here.

My advice in dealing with them is to get into their mindset.  What are the main concerns?  In other words, address their fear and PERCEIVED pain.

This may sound like a cliche, but honestly Sarah, love is the answer.  In the wild, animals either communicate as a call for love or a cry for help.  Either way, you need to be mindful that it is you that need to extend out to them.  On their own, they are like turtles in their shells.

Here is a reminder:

Sorcerers say that we are inside a bubble.  It is a bubble into which we are placed at the moment of our birth.  At first the bubble is open, but then it begins to close until it has sealed us in.  That bubble is our perception.  We live inside that bubble all of our lives.  And what we witness on its round walls is our own reflection.

- Don Juan, from Carlos Castaneda, Tales of Power.

Our job is to manage the perceptions.  That is why we need to be OPEN.  Once we are open, others will be open back to us.

Notice also, I don't have many tools.  But of the little tools that I have, I use them with mastery.

I want you to master these models.  While doing that, remove FUD and move with certainty:

Just like the Winning!!! Fieldbook, these are time-tested tools.  Use them often until they become your second nature.

Also, remember Dr. Ismail Sulaiman's advice.  Keep on hammering at the stone.  Eventually, it will crack.

It took me 2 1/2 years to capture the Walled City.  Against Sun Tzu's advice, I still did it.  So can you.

Remember this quote:

It is important that we know what we are doing.  There are people who are quick in passing judgment whenever there is something wrong.

That is why my personal motto is I don't give a fuck and I DON'T FUCK UP.


#traxxfm Well Rex, here are the morsels for today: I had achieved much since this morning with Bee 22 I think I'll take a break until my session with Big Brain Baby Until then, let's talk cock and sing songs.

#traxxfm Actually the dyad model is the best for us to synthesize, synchronize and synergize. Plus I like talking to you. That constitutes my socializing time as well. Otherwise, it's work and workout day in day out. 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm is my favorite segment with you.

#traxxfm You know what I look forward to the most? The day I can just draw cartoons, do calligraphy, play the bamboo flute and play bass like Steve Harris when I am in my Miyamoto Musashi Phase. For that, I need to cross the Jolly Green Giant Phase. Hot damn...

#traxxfm I often wonder, what am I going to do with so many felines. All I need is one Kitty Kat Pet Well, the rest are Battle Cats. They are Swords. My Kitty Kat Pet is a Shaved Pussy ROTFLMAO

#traxxfm I am very particular with fluids exchange. They have to be VERY clean. That is why I am not in favor of the after-work Friday Happy Hour girls. All are potential Candida Albicans. I stick with Gayshas, Rex. They are super clean LOL.

#traxxfm Ever since E.L.S. I had done away with my vices. I told that. She and Sarah bring out the best in me. We are talking about kicking the 3 Cs. It's 40 years of habits. Now, I don't even watch porn after Mark Manson said in *[in] his book to ditch it.

#traxxfm Speaking of Customer Service, the Gayshas are excellent models. Theirs is a Triple-A Service. That's why I gave them the Ferrero Rocher. For one thing, it is their dowry. It also means "I love you". And finally, it's their Service Quality Level.

#traxxfm That was a good break... That's the way it is Rex. You throw me a bone, I'll turn it into a juicy steak. That is the gist of synthesize, synchronize, and synergize. Along the way, we just make sense of commonsense. Even if it is nonsense.

#traxxfm I said this many times before; in the end, everything counts but nothing matters. What I can control I do my best. What I cannot control I have to let go. What I can control is my effort, what I can't control is the result.

#traxxfm Contrary to popular belief, Information Warfare is not about controlling information but actually liberating it. There is only one way around it, that is to be Sine Cera about the whole thing. Just call a spade a spade...

#traxxfm You may be too young to remember this; once upon a time in Malaysia, we cannot criticize the politicians at all. They are our "Political Masters". What a defunct way of thinking. They serve the public. Power is always with the people. Unless we forfeit it.

#traxxfm As for me, I stay away from politics and religion. They are tools to manipulate the masses by the few. My fealty is to the King. To be exact, my life is for God and Country. Hey, do you know that I have access to Raja Nazrin? Not much, but that makes me HMS

#traxxfm Well, that constitutes my ranting for today. See you on Thursday...

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