Saturday 12 June 2021

12/6/21 ###From 40% to 80%

 According to David Goggins, most of us are functioning at 40%.  To go to 80% we need to endure pain.

David subscribes to the No Pain No Gain philosophy.  To him, we need to develop the callous to be tough.

I need to embrace pain.  Pain is my friend.

I like being in isolation.  I am totally free.

So my basic value is freedom.

With freedom comes choices

My life is always about the freedom to choose.

The third value is love

Forth value is health.

The final value in the list is progress

In summary, my top 5 values are:

  • Freedom to act
  • A life full of choices
  • To love and to be loved
  • Peak health state
  • Progressing from strength to strength
So from here, you can tell that I don't care much about the past.  I always keep my eyes on the future.  The setback is I am always somewhere out there ahead of myself and not really living in the now.

From now on, I need to change my attitude and start living in the present.  DO IT NOW, DO IT IMMEDIATELY AND DO IT EXCESSIVELY.

Forget about wanting to be accepted.  Not even my mother accept me as who I am.  That, I have to accept myself as who I am.  I have to accept myself as me, with all the quirkiness.

So what if I am crazy.  With freedom comes social responsibility.  As long as I can balance these 2 aspects of my life, to hell with what people think.

I want to soar like the eagles.  No point living in regret and resentment.

The key is in the moving.  I need to keep moving north.  I do that by winning my day.  I am success-driven.  I can't simply live an idle life.  I want to be the star of my own life.

Tough luck if people don't understand that.  I am a person who writes my own program and acts on my programming.  No matter how odd and crazy it is.

At this point in my life, I just seek the answer from within me.  I'm already complete.  All I need to do [] (is) pierce the pinhole of mushin no shin.


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