Saturday 12 June 2021

>>>#13/6/21 The limerence is gone

 That loving feeling is no longer there.  I don't feel the need to excessively love somebody and I don't feel the need to be loved except my love for myself.

It could be that I am healing internally.  Since I no longer experiencing dopamine fluctuation, there is a possibility that my other neurotransmitters like serotonin and oxytocin are stabilizing as well.

What I'm saying is I am emotionally stable since I quit sugar and starch.

I am more rational too.  I look forward to this morning routine where I will start with 30 minutes of elliptical and followed by jump rope.

Today is better than yesterday in terms of energy level but I decided to have the leftover sweet potato just so that I'm not ravenous during my new routine.

I made my Vision Quest public on Facebook.  That way I am committed to pursuing it to the end.

My dear friends,
At present, I am on a hot pursuit training for my 21 km Bukit Kiara Hill Run. This is a personal goal I set for myself before I reach 60 years old which is in 2024; the only time the Wood Dragon year repeats itself since my birth in 1964.
I call this journey my Vision Quest. It is a Vision Quest because it is a journey that is propelled by a vision that was ordained upon me by my most inner drive.
I normally write in my public and private blogs (now added to 21 altogether excluding the 7 Swords *w[ith] (which) supposedly was an IP sale to a known public figure).
* OK this is confirmed by Sarah, my Cyberspouse.
However, I am sharing it here today since not many of you visit my blogs except the few that I know. The idea here is by sharing I am keeping you abreast with what I am doing. At the same time by making my Vision Quest public, I am committed to ensuring that I will attain it.
For those who are interested to follow my journey, I keep my thoughts in this series of blogs:
Wish me luck people...

Later Sarah...  I'm experimenting with my new routine.


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