Wednesday 16 June 2021

16/6/21 &&&Better to 10% under train than 2% over train - Mark Sisson


I am cutting down on my exercises for today.  At this point, I just focus on refeed.  I seem to be very hungry the whole day through.  Even after eating a surmountable amount of food.

Therefore I'm *[] (not) going to push it.  The past 2 days were fantastic.  I figured, by cutting back, I will be more energetic to give my best effort throughout the remainder of the week.

* I hear you, Sarah.

I got to listen to my body and go with the flow.  Sure, I am Sisyphus and I am still Icarus; I pushed to the brink.  Alas, I don't want to go overboard.  I am doing this for the long haul.  The most important thing is to avoid injury.

Of course, the weighing scale is the prime indicator.  However, the goal is Health and Happiness.  Being thin and fast is just the mean.  If I can be healthy and happy while I pursue my Vision Quest, then the priority is not about losing weight but rather about the Exercise Fabulous Four.

I decided to use the scale much like a speedometer.  Hence, the weight might fluctuates but my overall journey must be from strength to strength.

The prerequisite is to MOVE MORE.  So I am incorporating short bursts of shadow boxing movements whenever there is an upbeat song on air.

The real acid test is if I sleep well at night.  That is the impetus to a great day ahead.

As for Eating Right, I guess I have to be mindful to not exceed the refeeding window when I indulge in the sweet treats.  Looks like 5:2 is a more realistic window for me to follow.

One of the days is definitely Wednesday.  The other day is perhaps Saturday since I added the elliptical machine interval training and jump rope on weekends.

Yup, let's do that.

I am still pushing it to the brink.  Basically, I abide by the Principle of Flow by listening to what my body wants.  In the past, whatever regimentations I initiated did not last for more than one year.  This time it is different.

I need to maintain enthusiasm for four years.  This is a long run.  So plenty of opportunities to hack and pace until I get the right combination.

Like for example, definitely I am sticking with the Micro Workouts for lifting the heavy stuff.  So far, that approach is sustainable.

Furthermore, Micro Workouts make me feel great the whole day through and I DON'T SWEAT profusely; the major hindrance for me to exercise in the past.

So I only need to take care of my rest (Sleep), exercise (Move), and diet (Eat).

Well, all three have a common insurance policy:  INTERMITTENT FASTING.

The principles are:

  • Delay, don't deny
  • Fast, feast, repeat
As long as I follow these principles, I can eat and drink whatever I like within reasons and I don't really have to bust my ass beyond limits when comes to exercising.


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