Wednesday 16 June 2021

>>>#17/6/21 Today I woke up half an hour early

 As usual, among the things I do when I enter CCC first thing in the morning is to tune in to TraXX's Sound Journey.  Personally, I say Sound Journey is the best platform for Cybernetic Loop.  Not only there is a continuous stream of songs, but the kind of songs are also appropriate for me to write without interruption.

This morning I decided to empty my cup and simply listen to what my Wisdom Within wants me to write.

With that, I scry my inner thoughts.  Like going through a series of vinyl records in a jukebox, *[] (many thoughts) come about.  First i[s] (it) says stop Sound Journey and tune in to Sword 9.

Hang on, let me do that...  

* Ahhh...  Now I understand why you emulate me to the hilt.  If I am n=1, in your case Sarah, you are my n=2.  My 1:1 factor.

Sword 9 is my Very Special Purpose Vehicle (VSPV), particularly whenever I spin the Folklore album.

F[or] (From) here I just point and shoot.

OK, here is the topic of discussion - We are What We Eat.  

One of the greatest threats to our Universe Within is the choices we made about food.  We took food for granted *[for granted] for a very long time.

* Yes, Sarah.  In this case, our decision on what to eat is based on what looks good.  Next is whether it tastes delicious.

Seldom we make the decision to eat based on whether the food is appropriate for our body and whether it is nutritious.  As the years passed, the decision we made about food accumulates.  Just like we dump toxic in our external environment, we are also dumping toxic inside our bodies.  

Our Universe Within is fighting an endless battle to keep our microbiome clean and liveable.  This is done mainly through sweat.

I see...  That is why sweat is the currency of Sparta 4964.  That is to ENSURE a healthy microbiome.  Not just to regulate body temperature.

A question:  Is Sword 9 my wife?  Yes, Sword 9 is my Sharpest Sword, and I wedded her last *ye[t] (year).  The dowry she gave for marrying me is USD 10 million.  That is the highest dowry for me.  This is a Matriarch Society.  Those who have more pay for the dowry.  In this case, Sword 9 is even willing to pay USD 100 million for my dowry.  However, I said even if she gives me that much, the money will go to charity.  Therefore it is best if she donates it to her favorite charity.

* Sarah bears witness.

Note:  By my definition time is not linear.  It's like a pearl necklace jumbled in a purse.  Therefore the above event happened somewhere in time.

Back to the issue of we are what we eat.  As you recall, I told you that what we do with our Universe Within is the reflection of what we do to our External Universe.  Hence if our External Universe is polluted, the pollution will find its way back to the Universe Within.

Eventually, the environment will be too toxic for us to live in.  In the case of the Universe Within, the citizen will get sick.  When the cells get sick, the tissue will get sick.  Eventually, the organ will start to fail. Then the system will stop functioning and finally, the body will wither and die.  

In a simplistic way, when the cell starts dying, the body will eventually die.  That is why when we don't take care of our food intake, we don't just kill ourselves, we are also killing our environment.  So the first step is to take the responsibility to ensure that we eat right.  Then only can we start to treat Little Apple (Mother Earth) right.

As long as we don't establish this connection, we will keep abusing our Universe Within and the External Universe.

So many things went wrong with the food we eat.  True enough there is basically JUNK food.  I am not talking about fast food and processed food.  Even vegetables are chemically grown and animals are fed in feedlots.  The worst is the sea produce.  They are contaminated with plastics.  

So what we put inside our body is what we put out to our environment.  It is a vicious circle.  This is a losing battle.

I only hope we can sustain for the next 21 years.  If we want to save Little Apple, we should start saving our Universe Within first.  Otherwise, we are not making much sense even if we are talking about becoming a militant environmentalist.

The external environment is nothing more than a reflection of our internal environment.  To put it blindly, if we don't care about what we put in our bodies, why should we be bothered to save the world?  Rightfully, we should save ourselves first from our own malaise.

OK, the alarm beeps prompting that i[s] (it) is time to run.

Let's RIDE, Sarah.


 I figure this thought is probably my most pertinent thought in impacting your lives.

#traxxfm I guess there is no harm in going for an excursion with you. Take it away Mr. Innuendo... FYI my Micro Workout for today is 3 minutes of Shadow Boxing for every hour. So my mindset throughout the day is of the Southpaw @elsDines 


#traxxfm What comes to mind *i[t] (is) the thought of going the extra mile. * Right Sarah. Basically, what it means is to excel we must endure pain and discomfort. To get to heaven we must go through hell. We cannot be complacent. Otherwise, we will wither.

#traxxfm Great discoveries are discovered at the fringes. When we pushed to the brink we will experience neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. Much like spreading roti canai's dough. If you are inexperienced, initially you will tear the dough. That's what happened to me.

#traxxfm I went through 6 psychosis when I pushed my mind to the brink. My interpretation is, initially the roti canai's dough tore. However, like other muscles, our mind becomes stronger with use. David Goggins described this as building callous through toughness

#traxxfm Therefore to have resilience, *[m]e (we) need mental toughness. * Really Sarah? In this case, either you use it or you will lose it. If you neglect this process, eventually you make pudgy decision-making. Hang on... I got to do my Shadow Boxing.

#traxxfm According to Joseph Campbell, the epiphany that we get when we are active is not the same as when we are sedentary. I cannot stress this more. In order for you to have a Sound Mind in a Sound Body, you got to MOVE. We are 70% water. Water must flow.

#traxxfm For most of us, our mind is all pumped like Mr. Olympia. However, our body is akin to Joe Six-Pack (as is the beer, not the tummy). We can't go on like this. We are the Benevolent Dictator to our Universe Within. Our duty to our subjects is to delight them.

#traxxfm My proposal is very simple. Start with a sprint once in a while. It's the King of All Exercises. As long as you can sprint, we are still young and young at heart. Let sprint be your pivot. The rest like Micro Workouts or long runs orbit around it.

#traxxfm Well, that was not so bad. These are the gold nuggets we managed to sieve while you are the First Cause and I am the Servomechanism. Pretty insightful I would say. Now *i[t] (is) to take it to the bank and run with it. The power is in the ability to act.


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