Tuesday 15 June 2021

16/6/21 ^^^The apple and no apple of the mubahala

 There are always two pathways:

The main issues are whether I am going to get paid and if the Stoneworshipers are still going to worship the Stone by 24/12/24.

If we based our assumptions on the past, then I say an object in motion will continue to be in motion, nothing changes.

However, we need to be mindful that there is a paradigm shift.  Therefore the[] (there) is an anomaly.  

I am going to invoke mubahala anyway and I am going to run the 21 km Hill Run on 25/12/24.  These are mutually exclusive events.  I will still invoke mubahala even if I don't run.

However, since both are equally important to me, I made the decision to do both on the ground that  I am the Most Generous and the Most Merciful.  While I am doing this as a favor to my House of Sha and the Universe Within, be mindful that my Personal Flightpath is a reflection of the General Flightpath.

As long as everybody plays by the rules of this new paradigm, we are fine.  This means for everybody to win, absolutely everybody must cross the chasm together.

The premise must be from the perspective that we are the Benefactors and not the Beneficiaries.  This is not a master/slave relationship.  We must see ourselves as the cocreators and not merely the consumers.

We are One and we are Many.  We are within God and God is within us.  Much like peeling an onion.  In every layer there is God.  All matters are intelligent and all matters are gods

Otherwise, some of us still hang on to the Aslan Phenomena; fighting with our neighbors, not being hygienic, and of course practicing the act of worshiping the Stone.

In this case, you all had decided to win all or lose all.  We had agreed on a Pass/Fail grading system.  Therefore you all buck up as ONE TRIBE or you all pay the Ferryman.

I assure you there is no eternal damnation except for the Sheikh from IKIM should he fail to run the London Marathon within the qualifying time of 6 hours in 2024.  That's because he is a dead man walking:

The mubahala is entirely your Freedom to Choose.  I am only here as an Executioner, not as a Judge.  I leave the judging to the Infinite Intelligence.  It will be swift.  24/12/24 is the mubahala and 25/12/24 is the  Judgement Day.

No purgatory, no Mahsyar Gathering; unless you all choose to go through what was told to you by your Prophets of Doom,  In this case, you must deal with your o[]n (own) Shackles of the Mind; your Limiting Beliefs.  For those who don't have hangups, you proceed to Green Lane.  There is no queueing boarding Sailbad the Sinner. 

There is no queueing when we reach Sparta 4964 either.  However, EVERYBODY needs to go through hell to enter heaven.  Thus the Wormhole to Xanadu (heaven) is either you run 21 km Bukit Kiara Hill Run or just simply run a marathon wherever you are.

#traxxfm Hi there Mr. Innuendo. Here is the morsel for today: 2021a4lvol1.blogspot.com/2021/06/16621- Other times, I am locked to It all depends on the Cybernetic Loop I am getting really...

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This is all in a day's work for me with TraXX, my Starfleet since 2006: https://2021a4lvol1.blogspot.com/.../16621-apple-and-no...
As it is, nothing can be stranger than a Stranger in a Strange Land 🤓🤓🤓

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