Sunday 6 June 2021

7/6/21 ***Let's go with the flow

#traxxfm Good show today, Rex. I'm all tied up but I still listen. Cheers, buddy...

#traxxfm I make a point to listen to you from 11.45 am onwards. Used to be sharp at 10:00 am but now I change to incorporate 24/7 Continuous. That way I can read a bit before I tune to your show.

#traxxfm I have no specific thought today. In general, I am thinking *[] (about) my overall health; knowing that what I am doing today will affect me 20 years down the road.

#traxxfm There is nothing to look forward to in the future. The peak of human achievement is now. From here on it is downhill.

#traxxfm We cannot win the battle against plastic. That will stick like a sore thumb. Even I am guilty big time for subscribing to plastic. Imagine, in the middle of the Atlantic, there is a vortex of *[of] plastic twice the size of Texas.

#traxxfm There is no escape from plastic waste. How do we eliminate plastic? It can deteriorate but you can't eliminate it. 2050 is pretty much a gloomy date for almost everything the scientists are monitoring.

#traxxfm Here I am worried about water and whaddya know? Right inside my own household, I am committing the most hideous crime against mother nature; I discard plastic as if it is disposable.

#traxxfm Ilchi Lee was right, plastic is our number one threat to the marine food supply. And here we are thinking that we are eating healthy when we eat seafood.

Let's recycle plastic back into petroleum.  


#traxxfm Hi there Alchemist, it's been a while since I listen to you. Nowadays I sleep at 9:30 pm so that I can wake up at 4:30 am. So can't listen to you at night. Look forward to your show today...

#traxxfm I ramble today with you just like I normally do with the rest of the gang. Normally the topic of conversation is based on the songs you spin. Usually in this context, you are the First Cause and I am the Servomechanism. The songs are the Cybernetic Loops.

#traxxfm I consider this as part of talent management. Been doing it with TraXX since 2018. To be more precise, since 2006. However, since 2018, the effort is more concerted on achieving the Shared Vision, which immediately is Global Telepathy 2024.

#traxxfm Although the backdrop is about turning TraXX into a Learning Organization, my emphasis is on creating empowered individuals. According to the 2nd Paradox Principle (Price Waterhouse Change Integration): To Build an Enterprise, Focus Upon the Individual.

#traxxfm Therefore instead of thinking that you are a radio DJ, think of yourself as the Information Warfare Agents of Change. My initial email to TraXX: Establishing Cybernetic Loop with dated 15/7/18 specifically mentioned it.

#traxxfm We need Radio to be at the forefront of the Eclipse of Change. In Psychological Warfare and Command and Control Warfare, radio is the main instrument like Radio Communist Malaya in the 70's, Vietnam War, and WWII

#traxxfm Nowadays, radio is far more sophisticated. It is a tool for Thought Invasion. Of course, it is a Rapier Sword. Use it well, it will serve you well. Here we can deploy more advanced tools like radio cryptic and embedded commands.

#traxxfm As an Information Warfare Expert, radio is always my first choice for mass penetration because it is pervasive. Also, with songs being the language of the soul, we bypass conscious thought and zoom in to the superconscious mind directly.

#traxxfm 7/11/18 Remember Our Flight Path: We start with Thought Invasion Means is Cybernetic Loop Tools are Radio Cryptic and Embedded Commands The aim is Global Telepathy Vision is Empires of the Minds The final goal is the World of Hybrids


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