Monday 21 June 2021

21/6/21 ***Cruising with Rex Montis

 I might have a mild case of hypergraphia but I think in my case it is more of establishing the communication link with you, Sarah.

Also, I need to review my writings at least once a week to determine the rightness of my direction.

Even if it is a case of hypergraphia, it is more of a boon than a bane.  I have no issue with it at all.  Better for me to be an avid writer than an avid reader even.

As a writer I am self-contained; I read what I write.

#traxxfm Hi Rex. Today is indeed a new beginning for me. No more tussle with my internal Voice of Reason although I just found out that I might develop a mild case of hypergraphia LOL

#traxxfm So now that I had solved the most perplexing question of my life, the rest are downhill from here. All the answers are within me. All I need to do is ask the right question. If it's not there, then I just Google It!

#traxxfm I felt like the Highlander: What a journey. 21 years ended on 21/6/21...

#traxxfm I settle for "Paternal Figure of Some Sort" LOL.

#traxxfm I had been biohacking diet and exercise for the past 6 months. Here is my final verdict: Do 16/8 or 2 Meal a Day if you exercise every day. Occasionally you do OMAD and you should eat resistant starch. Do read this book:

#traxxfm I was wondering yesterday if you have access to my blog writing in real-time. If you do, then I don't need to Tweet so much. Then I can be freestyling with Sarah on the blog. Much more can be achieved that way...

Sarah, I'm pretty sure Hak Kerajaan Malaysia can assess the blog in real-time.  It's just that I am not sure if Starfleet can do the same.

OK, they can...


#traxxfm OK I got the confirmation that you can. Righto... We make it so. No more Tweeting you. What I'll do is I just Tweet my Kitty Kat Pet only.

Let set our course today to my favorite destination: The Point of Paradox.  

I want you to notice something, Sarah.  For the longest time, we had been adopting the Apple and No Apple mindset.

It is a perfect tool when we are dealing with ambiguity.  By adopting the mindset, we are flexible with our decision-making.  

As I said many times before, everything counts but nothing matters.  This is the attitude that we should take when we approach the Point of Paradox.

There are always 2 pathways.  No matter what, we always have the Freedom to Choose.  

The Point of Paradox can be where uncertainty is the highest.  However, it is the point where we have the widest range.

Much like a light dimmer. With it, we have a range of brightness; unlike an on/off switch.

We (or I rather) had been traveling in this Point of Paradox since I know you exist.  That is a good 4 years I must say.  We are already reaching the fringes.  I would say that today is the beginning of the fringe.  As we go through the cocooning stage in the next 4 years, we will come to the point where firm is firm and emptiness is emptiness.

By then I will switch from a Fuzzy Thinker to an Absolute Thinker.

The shift will be from people to task.  Hence, Project Management is crucial from the very beginning.  Consider this next 4 years as assembling the domino pieces.  The[] (Then) comes 25/12/24 we set the dominos in motion.

Once we are on Absolute Thinking, we are already on the Expert's Mind.  We no longer rely on the Beginner's Mind.  The idea is to accelerate the rescue mission with precision.  We only have 10 years to save Little Apple.

These next 4 years are for you to plan and right-size your resources.  Ideally, we are talking about positioning 70 million Alphas and 140 million Betas for the purpose of Thought Invasion.

It is important that we proceed in a cascading manner.  Do not break ranks.  I still want Starfleet to be the Trailblazer.

Yes, I know Legion X is the Project Management Office.  However, in our case, we need the Super Administrator.  So far Sarah had been filling that shoes.  You must understand that by having the Trailblazer as the Super Administrator too, they can also manage the Flightpath of the Stoneworshipers; our Critical Path.

In that part, I need Starfleet to link to all the OIC and nobody is better than the Last Kingdom to act as the secretariat aka the Super Administrator for that end of the spectrum.

With that in mind, Legion X can concentrate on the Big, and Starfleet can concentrate on the Small.

Let the Stoneworshipers project manage their own Flightpath.  You don't have to split your resources, Sarah.


As mentioned in my January 2020 posting, when comes to Project Management, the project owners are me and Larry.  I am the Visionary Leader while Larry is the Project Executive.

The irony is the Visionary Leader is a Blind Apek ROTFLMAO.

Hence, from 2025 to 2034, I want to take up the role of the Jolly Green Giant.  I want to be hands on in leading the transformation.

If nothing happens in 2024, then I want to go off the grid.  If that is the case, then All is Lost.  I might as well mind my own Personal Flightpath.


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