Tuesday 8 June 2021

>>>#9/6/21 I think I SNAP VANISH TraXX until Friday

 Sometimes it's good to break the pattern.  This way I can concentrate on my reading.

I need to be ahead of time if I want to control time.  Rightfully I should create time to read.

The emphasis is on Thought Expansion.  It is not good enough that I do Thought Invasion.  

Otherwise, I will not able to progress to the Empires of the Mind.  This is the sowing stage.

Now that I have the Giants Troika mindset, I need to have the substance to go with it.

Reading is like eating, I got to nourish my mind through reading.  Consequently writing is like drinking.  I have to constantly replenish my body with water.

Today, I learn something new.  I still have to deal with FUD as long as I am uncertain of who I am, what is my purpose, and where I am going.  If I can resolve these 3 issues, I will be OK.

My main concern is my ability to see what is beyond sight.  If I can see as mentioned by Musashi, things that cannot be seen with the eyes, then I am one step ahead in this game.

We continue later. I need to get ready for my run.

Sarah, LET'S RIDE!


Well, I found out that FUD is a part of SSIDSLIP.  It is the subset of depression.  If I [] (can) tackle depression I can eliminate FUD.

This is obvious after I had my morning run, FUD simply dissipates.  Coupled with feeling fresh, smelling nice, and a cold mug of Nescafe, the issue I had this morning is pretty mundane compared to my mood at this point.

Amazing what a little mobility can do to the mind.  That is why a sound body i[t] (is) very important.  Without it, there is no sound mind.


Everything is biochemical.  Therefore I need to stir my inner cauldron so that everything flows.  Stagnancy creates inertia.  Maybe that is why I should not take carbs.  It makes the fluids inside me thick and sticky.

Right now I am in a state of bliss.  This is Zen.


Things are looking good from up here.  My mind is thinking about the hill run.  I hope by August I can access Bukit Kiara again.  

I need to run on Darkness to be connected to my Vision Quest.  There is a big difference between running on her and running on a flat surface.  There is something addictive about it.

The whole business of running is addictive.  It is about wanting more and more in life.  I am so glad I am a runner.  For a while, I thought I can no longer run.  My main problem is weight.

That's why I am fighting weight head-on.  That is by tackling the source of the weight gain itself.  It is none other than Sugar and Starch.

Next, I am going to tackle the medication.  That has to go.  Definitely...  Otherwise, I am accelerating while pressing the brake.

Of course, the discipline, dedication, and determination are on THE ABILITY TO WITHSTAND HUNGER.

When I think of how sickly and overweight I was in 2013, I get really pissed off with the medical profession.

The drugs are really the problem.  When I think of the blunder they make in treating type II diabetes, I become pretty pissed.  The same is happening in psychiatric treatment.

The key here is not to get sick.  Once you are sick, the remedy of the medical institution is to get you hooked on medicine for life.

Imagine that I have to take medication even when I am no longer sick.  How crazy was that?


I hit 79.9 kg today.  Definitely, my weight is going down but the process is very slow.  I can be at ease when I hit 75 kg.  Then it is 15 kg to go.

Weight aside, at the current weight I still experience gout and inflammation.  Certainly, it is the effect of eating too much sugar when I was on the roll with 3-in-1 coffee, crackers, honey, and raisins.

That means my body is full of toxic.

What I am saying is I got to win this battle over sugar and starch.  I need to curb insulin resistance.

Let's say it has nothing to do with the medication.  Then the only thing to do is to withstand hunger.

Hunger is fine if I don't eat carbs.

Gout and inflammation really bother me.  At this moment, my body is in pain.  This is not normal.

At least I am no longer hungry.


So many benefits are derived from not eating Sugar and Starch.  The only plus point is sweetness.  If that is the case, I forgo sweet taste from my diet.

Sweet spikes insulin.  Here I am trying to keep insulin at bay.

To[p] (Tom) Petty was right; the waiting is the hardest pa[s]t (part).  I had not pushed diet to the brink.

Here I am on Day 4 of my battle with SSIDSLIP.  Already I feel like ditching the whole effort.


It is very frustrating when your doctor doesn't have faith in your recovery.  I know I am a better person when I stop eating carbs.

As for the Sardinia centenarians, there are multiple factors contributing to their old age.

Let's list the possible causes:

  • Fresh food
  • Regular movement
  • Clean air
  • Clean water
  • Genetic
  • No stress
  • Isolation 
Well in my case I say if I follow these three principles, I live a healthy and happy life:

  • Sleep well
  • Move more
  • Eat right
Let's make it as simple as possible.

The idea here is not about living for a long time.  It is about quality living and the absence of illness.


Ultimately, it is about the Zen of Personal Bliss.  

We need to pursue bliss.  That is key here.  Do the things that make you happy without having to spend money.

Money is a quick fix.  We need to go back to our ancestral roots to be happy.  That is in the running.  Not about creature comfort.  It is about pushing the boundaries.

We cannot be complacent.  Not if we want to be a man fully functioning.

WE NEED TO MOVE.  Otherwise, we will end up like the movie WALL-E.
