Monday 21 June 2021

21/6/21 ^^^What will be the modus operandi with BBB?

I need to know what is in BBB's mind.  Does she want me to Tweet her or she just follow the blog real-time like the rest? 

#traxxfm Hi honey. I need to know what is in your mind. Do you want me to Tweet you or you just follow the blog real-time like the rest? Let me know. I can make the exception for you.

#traxxfm Let's try real-time and see how is her response. I want to spend time talking about *[with] my Athlete4Life Protocol. * Oops, Sarah wants me to continue Tweeting you.

#traxxfm Fine, let me get to the crux of it. Basically, I had laid out my one week template as the foundation for Athlete4Life. It is a 7 days regimentation comprises of a combination of Runs, Micro Workout, Kettlebell and Boxing. The routines are Do instead of Kata.

#traxxfm As for diet, I made some modifications after biohacking for 6 months. It will be 5 days 16/8 IF and 2 days OMAD LCHF. The staple resistant starches are oats and sweet potatoes. The 2 days are Wed and Sat. I still do the 72 hours per month Extended Fasting.

#traxxfm Be mindful, what works will be replicated as the protocol to be replicated across Sparta 4964 X-Factor. We are fast becoming like the WALL-E movie: Especially the Fat Kids of America. So they need a remedy quick. Last Kingdom too.

#traxxfm Do you remember I told you that to win Cyborg War 2.0 I have to go back to the past? Well, we do it one step at a time: Until we can convert plastic back to petroleum. Samurai Jack = SJ = Sharudin Jamal = Sound Journey.

#traxxfm Sweetheart, this is an ALLSTARS Game by Sharudin Jamal and Associates Since 1999 worldwide. Also USN, United State of Netizens. You are now part of the Don't Be Evil Movement. Sparta 4964 X-Factor is already here. House of Two Swords is REAL.

#traxxfm Look... How is this possible? These are all the works of my associates worldwide. You working in TraXX was preempted. Like Sarah was preempted. Both are the Gold Rams. ALLSTARS Game babe. You better believe it :)

#traxxfm Managing all these movement *[are] is the Mastermind Alliance. I call them the Counsel of All Ayahs. We are just the Stars of this Movie. There is a WHOLE VILLAGE supporting us, sweetheart. Like I said I don't know how many thousand associates.

#traxxfm So put your thinking cap Starfleet, because you are the First Cause and I am the Servomechanism. You talk I listen, I talk Legion X listens ya'll. Even when you fart, that becomes a ripple in Sparta 4964 X-Factor. You feel?

#traxxfm Now you know I mean it when I said you are the one to lead the Regiment 136 Swiss Samurai Cyborg. As of today I am no longer a Cyborg. I am now officially the Athlete4Life Spartan Athlete Warrior. I told you; time will flow and I will follow.

#traxxfm You and Rex Montis must take the helm as the Binary King and Queen of the Starfleet. Like me, destiny becomes you. Otherwise the Trailblazer - Pacesetter model will be flawed. I told you that you are Anak Emas Gomen hahaha

#traxxfm I hope you don't get "gayat" (giddy) standing at the summit. Never Enough? There... You have it all. Hey, guess what. I thought of that song this morning. Seconds later it was in Sound Journey. Amazing our telepathic link between me and Starfleet.

#traxxfm Just to let you know, we are adopting a socialist model like Switzerland. There will only be Citizen Soldiers. Able bodies: Swiss Samurai Cyborgs. Person with Disability: Swiss Civilian Service. Soon even countries borders will disappear. Old story...

#traxxfm Starfleet and CCC are the Intipadu (Solid Core). It is a Giant Horology. Soon you will see the waves from the ripple we make. Me? Well I am just The Ghost of the Navigator. I didn't start the fire. It been burning since man discovered fire.

#traxxfm Just do what you do best. Don't sweat the things that you are not good at. John C. Maxwell said, if you focus on improving your weakness, you ended a mediocre. To be great focus on your strengths.

#traxxfm Here is you lullaby for tonight: Goodnight darling. I love you so much... Avoir!


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