Wednesday 16 June 2021

16/6/21 ^^^Who we are is determined by the size of our consciousness

 This is a very simple concept.  Let me see if I can illustrate the importance of our imagination in determining the magnitude of our perception.

For that, I borrow the idea from Richard Dawkins:

Suppose we take the window of our entire human existence as the little eye-slid that makes up the opening of a burqa (the covering of Afghan women).  Let say we lay this burqa on the ground and spread the cloth that makes up the bottom and the top of the burqa horizontally.

By comparison to our field of awareness of what is known out there, the top and bottom of the burqa are made of miles and miles of black cloth.  There is so much that is not known.

Shakespeare in Hamlet said, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

If we just rely on our knowledge alone, there will be limitations based on the compounded wisdom of those before us.  If we rely entirely on this method, we will end up as followers instead of pioneers.

To become thought leaders, we must rely on our Wisdom Within.  

Take the example of the light spectrum.  We normally see an object because there is light bouncing from the object back to our eyes.  Without light, we cannot see.  Even with the help of light, we cannot see all from the very far left, which is infrared to the very far right, which is ultraviolet.

Same with knowledge, we simply cannot take all the available knowledge and turn them into wisdom.  However, we are granted with the State of Knowing.  This is also known as our instinct.  Others call this the Third Eye.  I prefer the term Mind of No-Mind or Mushin No Shin.  

With practice, we all can pierce the pinhole of Mushin No Shin.

Here I share with you how I do it.  There are many ways.  This is the most systematic.  Attaining Mushin No Shin is so spontaneous for me nowadays that I hardly have to trans-induced myself to be in that state.  Thus, these actions are already automatic for me.  It will be for you too with practice and dedication. Although the concept of Mushin No Shin is from my study of Japanese martial art, how I attained it was through the way of the Sufi and through the practice of Zen.

  1. The first requirement is jazam (tie your heart to God) - I do this by setting my heart to 60 beats per minute by AUTOMATICALLY chant in my heart Allah ooo Allah ooo Allah ooo Allah.  The idea is whatever you do is only for God.  It also means that your heartbeat is God, thus your life is Godly.
  2. Next, be a Nothing - by being a Nothing you are everything.  Minimize attachment to worldly possession although I don't encourage asceticism.  This is what I do:  Minus some personal belongings and some savings, I infaq (give everything to please God) my wealth for the cause of goodness.  Do note that charity begins at home.  So I give my cash and assets (all paid for) to my wife.  Infaq need not be physical assets.  I keep on giving until I have nothing to give and still I continue giving.  I give until it hurts.  So finally there is nothing to give except my IP.  My IP is in abundance.  You follow?  
  3. The next step is ikhtiar (put effort) - Here effort means take it to the brink.  Go the extra mile until you reach the fringes of your mind and body.  Then only Providence moves in.  If you don't ikhtiar, then you are just playing safe.  For Providence to move in you got to step out of the Comfort Zone into the threshold albeit pain, fear, or sadness.
  4. While you ikhtiar, you must basrah (accept the circumstances) - Some people mistaken basrah as surrender.  It is not that.  It is about accepting the burden responsibly.  Meaning, you own up to your action.
  5. Then you tawakkal (hope for the best).
  6. Finally you redho (comes to term) - It also means you let go of the final outcome; good or bad.
If these steps are overwhelming to you then all you need to do is empty your mind.  It doesn't mean you stop thinking but merely in my case, to suspend judgment.

So as I pierce the pinhole of Mushin No Shin, I am merely a servomechanism.  I don't judge, I just execute.  I become an acute observer and an intent listener.

If you pay attention to the Wisdom Within, you will realize that it is always providing you with the answers.  Just like what is mentioned in Matthew 7:7.

Very importantly, while you are doing this, you set your mind to Absolute Certainty.  You do that through Unconditional Love.  To achieve that you need Secure Attachment.  Meaning, no matter what, your bond with your loved ones is unbreakable.  In my case, the bond lasts for eternity.


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