Thursday 17 June 2021

>>>#18/6/21 &&&FUD is still there


Its voice is still strong.  How do I get rid of FUD?

Just like I get rid of cigarettes.  I got to bite the bullet.

Within us, there are two voices.  Voice of Reason (VOR) and FUD.

I have to listen to VOR if I want to move with Certainty.

It is part of my internal programming.

What is the single most powerful word to sum up my Winning Attitude?


That's it.  That's all it takes to stay focus.

I need to listen to VOR and not FUD

Those who are able to quieten their inner voice are happier; their sense of relief can be palpable.

The war is won by winning one battle at a time.

How do I win a battle?

To win the battle you must know your enemies. And you must learn how to defeat them. Kindness, perseverance, gratitude, humility and hard work are all great values that will help you. Having a plan is a tremendous safeguard against downtimes and bad thoughts.

It is quite common it seems.  

I think this is the most potent remedy:

In the end, it is mind over matter.  I will just be who I am and proceed with certainty.  It still boils down to the ability to act.  That is where the power lies.

Just do it.  If you say you are wrong, you are right.  If you say you are right, you are right too.

Right or wrong, you are both right.  Therefore you must do the right right.

I have to be in motion.  Will I feel better if I run?  I shall test the hypothesis this morning.

Nope.  I was defeated mentally.  So I just take it easy today 


#traxxfm Morning Mr. Innuendo. I woke up at 3.30 am today. Thought of having a long run this morning. Unfortunately mental fatigue sets in. I end up eating a lot of stuff. So I decided to sit in instead of running. It's one of those days when you take it easy.

#traxxfm I have 1 hour before I'm off to service my car. So I just laze around listening to you. I had an issue with FUD lately I think it is quite common with everybody.

#traxxfm I think everybody has mood swings. It is more rampant for me because I had what is categorized as Ultra Ultra Rapid Cycling Type II Bipolar Disorder. What it means I experience elation to despair within hours apart. This I am still struggling to manage:

#traxxfm The whole thing is one giant paradox. While I am supposed to be modeling the way up to encouraging the heart, I as an individual am a Person With Disability. How quaint it is, isn't it?

#traxxfm This is my thought before bed last night: I don't have all the answers. So I appreciate your input on this matter. Righto, gotta get ready to send the car. I'll be listening. Later buddy...

#traxxfm I been thinking Mr. Innuendo, am I being interdependent or am I depend on TraXX? Are we in symbiotic or are you my crutches? I like to see from your POV.

#traxxfm The challenge is to maintain enthusiasm for the next 4 years.

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