Friday 4 June 2021

4/6/21 ***Looks like I'm sleeping late tonight

So today I indulged in carbs.

This got to stop.

I'll stop tonight, this very moment.  No more 3-in-1 coffee, crackers and honey.

I just take the raisins and prunes if need be.

Small matter...

As long as I eat OMAD, I will be OK.  No LCHF.  That is not a sustainable model.  I need to take a little rice although I should stop all sweet indulgence.

Just half a scoop of rice once a day.


What I like to do now is just stare at the Summit.

At the same time, I want to chat with you.  It's like I draw my inspirations from the Giants and then I use the inspirations to talk to you.

Let's see what they are saying...

According to the Jolly Green Giant, the Troika is also the Trinity.

I can see that; the Father (Jolly Green Giant), the Son (Din Kenit 227), and the Holy Spirit (Miyamoto Musashi).

I have no issue with that at all although I don't subscribe to any particular religious dogma.

My religion is eclectic and it is more of a Do than a teaching.

I think most religions put too much emphasis on spirituality.  Well, we can be spiritual without being religious.  If religion is defined by the rituals the followers conduct, then my religion or should I say my institution is Men Sana in Corpore Sano.  In this case, my ritual is the Athlete4Life Lifestyle; Run, Read, Write, Rest, Repeat.

I often joked that my religion is Sharudinism.  That's because to me matters pertaining to religion are personal but matters pertaining to God are universal.

What I mean is religion is your personal relationship with God although [] (God) Himself is universal in nature. It's like religion is the BIOS and God is the OS.

Therefore my BIOS is what works between me and the OS.  I personally believe, just as we are Gods to our universes, we can define what religion we want to create.

I create Sharudinism because it suites me:

  • I develop my autoresponder by setting my heart to 60 beats per minute chanting Allah ooo Allah ooo Allah ooo Allah.  This is my basic programming to affirm that Allah and I are inseparable.  In principle, I set my internal clock to only tick by aligning to Allah.  When I do that my WHOLE Universe Within is aligned to Allah.
  • I fast using various protocols.  This is my no-indulgence and Voluntary Simplicity commitment towards a sound mind and a sound body.
  • Finally, I have my various prayers, or what I call active meditations.  They are:
    • 5 km - Daily Prayer
    • 10 km - Weekly Prayer
    • 21 km - Umrah, Once a Year
    • 42 km - Hajj, once in a lifetime
Got to go Sarah, very sleepy.

Goodnight baby.  I love you so much.


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