Friday 18 June 2021

18/6/21 ***BBB saves the day

I need to eat today.  Otherwise I feel mentally exhausted.

From this point on I am changing my strategy.

No more sweet treats.  I stick with OMAD LCHF from here on.

#traxxfm Hi baby... Your voice is a song to my ears. Say, let's flow today. What do you want to talk about? Let me know. I am pretty relaxed now.

#traxxfm I woke up at 3.30 am this morning. I thought of doing the long run but instead, I decided to make it my rest day. What if we talk about *[the] a magical moment I had while I roamed Bukit Kiara? * Hahaha... Sarah already likes it...

#traxxfm Well, Bukit Kiara is an enchanted forest. As much as I am very familiar with the myriad of trails in it. I was lost once. It was very strange. I was following a trail when suddenly it disappeared. I looked back there was no trace. Strange isn't it?

#traxxfm Here I was surrounded by undergrowth and the day was getting dark (a reminder for me not to enter the forest at dusk). For a while I was stunned. There was hardly any sunlight. I felt a little panicky. Luckily I can still think...

#traxxfm So I scooted below the undergrowth. The perspective is different from down below. It's like when you are above water and underwater when you are at sea. So after a while, I picked up the trail again. Just in time before it got dark. What a relief.

#traxxfm After that day, I never ventured into the labyrinth of trails at Bukit Kiara anymore. Now I believe how seasoned trekkers can get lost in the jungle; the trail just vanished!

#traxxfm The story got weirder as I recount my experience in Bukit Kiara. Late one night, I was surfing the net about Flat Earth theory. So before bed, I read there is a folklore that earth sat on the back of a giant turtle.

#traxxfm Early in the morning the next day, I went into Bukit Kiara. Since I took the longest trail (stretching from Taman Tun to Mont Kiara), I started in the wee hours before sunrise. Midway was a gradient. Look at what I found in the middle of the forest?

#traxxfm Right there in the middle of nowhere on the very path was an ORANGE SHELLED TURTLE the size of a large coconut! So added by the scientific findings and this "miracle", until today, I believe that the earth is flat LOL. Call me crazy...

#traxxfm Here is a funny story... In Bukit Kiara, there are quite a few Hindu shrines illegally erected. So one day, I came to this shrine in the middle of the forest. Upon close inspection, I saw there was a Lingam (as in the picture) and a machete next to it.

#traxxfm The Hindus believe that there are spirits dwelling in the forest and they have to pay tribute to them. What I did was, I took the machete and put its sharp edge at the Lingam's "neck". What happened next was quite astonishing...

#traxxfm As the blade touched the "neck", a gust of force leaped from the Lingam to me. Whoosh! Almost knocked me out off-balance. What was inside the Lingam was scared shit when I put the machete there LMAO. So much for worshiping forest spirits, huh?

#traxxfm Do you know that there are crazy people whole trekked the trails in the middle of the night? At one time I went strolling by myself on the road up the hill around 1:00 am. From yonder, I saw flashlights coming from the silhouettes of the trees. Crazy...

#traxxfm I wish I can take you to my world. Beach or hill, I choose hill. I know you are the opposite. I love the jungle. I feel alive when I am in it. Makes me feel primordial. I become the beast in my element when I am in the jungle.

#traxxfm Man, time flies. I love it when you do CAT but I lose one precious hour when you are at it. What can I say? I dread going through the weekend without you. Miss you already sweetheart. Avoir!


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