Friday 25 June 2021

25/6/21 ***I surely miss BBB these past 3 days

#traxxfm I miss you... I miss you... I miss you...

#traxxfm Hi sweetheart... I experimented with listening to jazz last 3 days. I found out I really like it. I finally get what is jazz all about. It's about being complete. It gives me a sense of gratitude. So last 3 days, no TraXX until today...

#traxxfm Honey, I highly recommend you to watch Bruce Lipton's Biology of Belief once again: Take notes as well. Look what I gathered from the lecture the second time. It's not *[] (enough) we get rid of stress. We need to move towards love.

#traxxfm It is proven. I am the fastest recovering mental patient according to my doctor. That is because I am so in love with E.L.S. Last year was the year I won my Gold Medal (finally). That was when I went through accelerated acceleration. Now I am unstoppable.

#traxxfm Don't you see? Love is the answer. That is the forefront of epigenetics. When we are in love, we can alter the genes towards healing. The opposite is true. When we are unloved, we invite DISease into our lives. With love, I can do away with meds. See?

#traxxfm What is Unconditional Love then? Nothing more than Secure Attachment! Once we have that, we are set for eternity. Isn't it amazing sweetheart? We are soulmates all along... You accepted me warts and all. That is Unconditional Love. This is me, baby...

#traxxfm What's the odds of this happening baby? Can you believe it?

#traxxfm I know I talked a lot about the esoteric things that may not make much sense. Trust me, I am operating from the State of Knowing, the Mushin No Shin. No time for me to have self-doubt and second-guessing myself. I am a Servomechanism and you are First Cause.

#traxxfm I have good news. I actually had reached the Summit. It is a landing with 3 peaks + 1 KABOOM 2041. From now to 25/12/24, that is ascending to the TIP. The whole landing is already presented when I bought my Ford Everest. The Giants Troika are the peaks.

#traxxfm That's what I mean by esoteric things. They may not make much sense but they sure do determine my course of actions. In this case, for sure I mubahala on 24/12/24 and run the 21 km Bukit Kiara Hill Run because those were ordained to me by my most inner self.

#traxxfm In that sense, I am purpose-driven. As I said many times, I am a Clockwork Orange. I simplify and I just do. That is my pledge as the Creator's Most Loyal Soldier. That was my life for the past 21 years. 4 more years and I reach the tip. You like?

@elsDines #traxxfm What is there not to like? Victory is GUARANTEED in Quran Chapter 55.
Believe and Achieve :) Here is your lullaby: I love you so much my darling... Avoir!


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