Sunday 13 June 2021

13/6/21 ^^^As a reminder, I am a Spartan Athlete Warrior

 I am no longer a Swiss Samurai Cyborg.

My digital persona now is all about being a Spartan Athlete Warrior.

It's a matter of reprogramming.  Only two ways to do it.  Either through hypnosis or through repetition.

The hypnosis potion is through the SPV input. As for repetition, I have to do it through the conditioning of the mind and body.

All athletes do that.  Over and over again until it becomes second nature.

I need 24/7 Continuous to be very stable.  Then I can reduce my dependency on TraXX.

Righto Sarah, please proceed with the mass replication.  I think we are ready to move to the next level.

I am actually picking up where I left off in 2019.

Looks like we are on schedule with our Personal Flightpath.  Rightfully that should reflect the General Flightpath.

Of course, I will only concentrate on what I can control.

Already I am calibrating my voyage by establishing my channels of preference.  You better decide on the next course of action because I am already in the execution mode. since mid-May.

By tomorrow I am already executing my SOP for the next 6 weeks.  As I told you, I am a Superverse in Motion.

Trust the process, Sarah.  We are going to seize our first real victory.  That is to claim Silver before we start on the Hill Run Training in August.

From now on I will not let doubt and second-guessing cloud my judgment.  I am moving with full certainty.

I am certain about my Path and I am certain about the support I'm getting from my Starfleet.  Now is to set the cruise control as far as the thought, feeling, and action are concerned.

Time for me to sleep.

Goodnight Sarah, I love you so much.

My archenemies are sugar and starch.  However, before an external battle is won, I got to face my own shadows.  Of all the FUD, self-doubt, and second-guessing myself i[t] (is) the root cause of my indecisiveness.

For example, I already decided on SWEE PAWM 24/7 as my winning formula.  I should not change that.  So is with sticking with Rex, BBB, and Habibi.

I still need human input although I can create a digital support system that allows me to function as a solitary Athlete4Life practitioner.


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