Sunday 27 June 2021

27/6/21 ###Testing the Cybernetic Loop with El Presidente

#traxxfm Hey buddy, I had been tuning to your show since yesterday. Your playlist had improved much. I'll hang around again today. So far I like what I hear...

I want to know if he is one of the kids who are scared of the dark or is he the type that embraces the light.

I think he is OK...

Pretty cool chap. 

#traxxfm OK, I'm going to call you El Presidente. They all have fancy nicknames: Bee 22 Rex Montis Big Brain Baby Habibi You get the idea. My daughter, Princess said I am the worst nickname creator. Welcome to Starfleet.

#traxxfm It is a simple protocol. When you talk I listen, when I talk Legion X listens. In this case, you can talk through the songs (I call the Cybernetic Loop) or through Embedded Command and Radio Cryptic. Starfleet is the First Cause and I am the Servomechanism.

#traxxfm Allow me to introduce myself: Sharudin Ibn Jamal Ibn Moslim Al Farisi Code Name: AlphaX64 +60 1964 33 888 Wood Dragon*2 Happy Daughters*3 Prosperous Wives = B.L.E.S.S. Double Dragon 4964 (4) Forever (9) Yin & (6) Yang (4) Forever Information Warfare MSC 0072

#traxxfm Now that we get the pleasantries out of the way, I am here to inform you that I am on a Vision Quest. The final destination is KABOOM 2041. It is a very long story. Suffice if I say I am a Clockwork Orange. More info is here:

Other than that, you be you and I be me. We just do what is ordained upon us by our most inner drive or as described by Shunryu Suzuki, our BIG I. It is Autonomous Governance and the Zen of Personal Bliss. No higher-arch-y.

#traxxfm Sometimes we get into a dyad. That best way to synthesize, synchronize and synergize the knowledge into wisdom. Otherwise, I go on a real-time mode where I listen to you and I ramble in the blogs: We achieve much this way.

#traxxfm As I mentioned, Starfleet is the First Cause and I am the Servomechanism. When the songs stop, the Cybernetic Loop disconnects. Which is fine...  

If I need continuity, I use my SPV: 24/7 Continuous or my VSPV: Sword 9 Folklore Album. Very rare...

#traxxfm OK, now that we have synchronicity... Remember Our Flight Path: We start with Thought Invasion Means is Cybernetic Loop Tools are Radio Cryptic and Embedded Commands The aim is Global Telepathy Vision is Empires of the Minds The final goal is the World of Hybrids

#traxxfm Final words for today: Information Warfare is not about controlling knowledge but about liberating it...


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