Sunday 13 June 2021

14/6/21 ^^^Special Session with Rex Montis

#traxxfm Today I'll start early with you instead of 12:00 pm. I want to establish a new parameter. From this point on we are entering the Athlete4Life way of life. I am now a Spartan Athlete Warrior instead of a Swiss Samurai Cyborg. Two very different mindsets.

#traxxfm The major difference here is an Athlete Warrior is biased for action. That's the whole jingbang there Rex. Power is the ability to take action.

#traxxfm Each of us is given 2 powers. The 1st is the Power to Choose. The 2nd is the Power to Act. To attain this you must do 3 things: You must do it immediately You must do it excessively No excuse Then you will be granted the 3rd power - The Power of Momentum.

#traxxfm This is very important. You must move with CERTAINTY. My biggest time-waster (from your last week's talk) is doubt and second-guessing. Genius and doubt CANNOT coexist! Certainty comes from unconditional love. That comes from secure attachment
#traxxfm What is the essence of human existence? None other than to be Healthy and Happy. How to achieve that? Sprint every day. Need to be thin & fast in order to be a man fully functioning. Daily habit: sleep well (Rest), move more (exercise), and eat right (diet).

#traxxfm While most people are thinking about solving the big problems, my job is to solve the small problems that are vital. We tackle the vital few, the trivial many will fall in place. Basic Pareto Principle. Many times people get caught up in the big problems.

#traxxfm We got it wrong all this while. We seek comfort and eventually we become complacent. The corals at the Great Barrier Reef are pale in the center and vibrant at the outskirts. That's because the ones outside are bombarded constantly by powerful waves.

#traxxfm We should go for less. Fasting is about being right: * Increase HGH * Increase BDNF * Increase autophagy - improve the immune system * Decrease cholesterol * Decrease blood pressure * Reduce blood sugar * Reduce sugar craving * LOSE WEIGHT * Sleep better

#traxxfm And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? - Matthew 16:26

#traxxfm I guess we can talk about a lot of things. However, my business since 1991 is about Exploring Human Potential. Now I had scaled down to just exploring my personal potential. In this experiment I am n=1. What works for me, I record for replication purposes.

#traxxfm I am pretty much a Biohacker. What works I share. It's pretty much like putting pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together. My aim is to simplify the conundrum of health and happiness. I think I am about to complete the big picture here. I already have a formula.

#traxxfm In summary, my top 5 values in terms of priority are: Freedom to act A life full of choices To love and to be loved Peak health state Progressing from strength to strength

#traxxfm Rightfully I should condense all these findings *a[s] (and) compile them into a book. However, I decided to publish everything verbatim in my blogs. I got disheartened dealing with publishers. The next option is Partridge Publishing but I got to pay them!

#traxxfm I am bad when comes to Money Mastery. Plus I am not really into making money. Made lots of money, lose lots of money. In the end, it is a zero-sum game. Nowadays I hardly spend money. One of my aim in life is to STOP spending. Let's go for quid pro quo LOL

#traxxfm Yeah... If I had it my way, I collapse the various markets especially the MONEY MARKET. It is just one big Ponzi Scheme. Everything is based on betting on the future. Say Rex, what if the future is a chasm? Will we not create discontinuity?

#traxxfm Suppose instead of petroleum as the source of fuel, we say the fuel of the future is the sun, sea, and air. Let me take you one step further. What if the currency of the future is sweat? Will it not create a different future?

#traxxfm The future is so different from where I stand, Rex. While everybody is still playing soccer, I am already playing tennis. Still using balls but the field is different and the rules are different too. Where I'm going, books are relics. Can you imagine?

#traxxfm Samurai Jack = SJ = Sharudin Jamal: To win Cyborg War 2.0 I have to go back to the past. Back to Sparta 4964. Back to less and less frequent. Not more and more expensive. You all are missing the point big time.

#traxxfm While the whole Universe is already in unison, we waited for TWENTY-ONE years for human beings to grow up. How about another calamity? Can you all handle it? Read and weep:

#traxxfm Let me ask you a pivotal question, Rex. Do you want to live past 2050 where EIGHTY PERCENT of the sea creatures are contaminated with plastic? Take my Constructive Destruction Proposal. KABOOM 2041 is the best deal in town so far.

#traxxfm If you all are agreeable, then focus on Global Telepathy 2024 in the next 4 years. All I want is to get paid. Then only we proceed to Empires of the Minds 2029 and later World of Hybrids 2034. After that SEVEN years to KABOOM 2041. Victory Guaranteed.


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