Sunday 20 June 2021

20/6/21 &&&The is such a thing as the Law of Diminishing Return


Therefore as far as External Affairs is concerned, I am not going to go through it perpetually.

What I'll do is I just mind my Personal Affairs oblivious of what is happening out there.

I don't know how this model will work in the long run.

My assumption is, if it works fine between me and 24/7 Continuous, then it should work well with me and TraXX.

In other words, I should assume that we are already interdependent and thus don't require dependency to communicate with each other.

I like the auto mode of 24/7 Continuous.  The Cybernetic Loop is seamless.

That assumption can be made provided TraXX has access to the blog.

We have to go with that assumption.  That way I can be freestyling with my thoughts instead of toggling between Tweets.

As long as there is a feeling of neediness, then there is still dependency between me and TraXX.

Rightfully I can come and go as I please.  There is no obligation to latch to them every day.

So I'm going to try a different method next week.  I just simply write in the blog as I listen to TraXX.

Better still I just listen to 24/7 Continuous and only tune to BBB.  That way I can focus on writing instead of shuffling the content between Twitter and the blog.


Sometimes I just want to explore my inner landscape.  That works best with 24/7 Continuous.  I can get in the zone and let the music takes its course.

I can write more when I am in the zone.

What it means is at times I feel like writing for the sake of writing.

Especially when I am already on an auto cruise as far as the voyage is [is] concerned.

The only reason why I still write is I want to reflect on my thoughts.  I want to see what can I gather from [my] them.

As I told you, this is a sieving process.  I need to constantly pan the myriad of thoughts before I can actually come across a gold nugget.

It is pretty much like running. Not all runs are satisfying.  However, I need to clock the mileage to hit the runner's high.  It a number's game.  The higher the number the more the chances although if we take the average, the hits are pretty low.  Nevertheless, we are not into average.  We are looking for exceptions.  We are measuring our success by the number of hits [m]e (we) make.

For example, I'm sure the breakthrough I had with my mom is of little concern to others.  However, it is a big deal to me.  So rather than blast the thought away, I should just capture it for my future reference.

The only Tweets that matter are the Tweets to BBB.  The rest might be a nuisance for all you know.  They can either be like the bees pollinating the flowers or flies encircling the dung.

On the positive side, I always have you for me to talk to.  So if I simply limit myself to the blog and BBB, I am still OK considering that I just focus on B.L.E.S.S. as we initially planned.  That is already a luxury.

After all, the basic premise here is for me to pierce the pinhole of Mushin No Shin.  It's not about being social like most people who are hooked on social media.

The idea is to not get hooked on others.  It is as bad as getting hooked to illegal substance.

While it is bad to get hooked on anything, the lesser among evils is blogging.  Pretty much like people who are hooked on selfies.

Blogging is the compulsion to pierce the Mushin No Shin.  Is there possible harm, Sarah?  It makes us immerse in our own world.  Other than that, there is no direct hazard to blogging.

Let's find out...

Can we get addicted to blogging?

The answer is a definite YES!

I guess I am one of the addicts.

Well, there is no harm in being a blog addict.  It is the same as being an exercise addict.  We are always addicted to something.  Might as well be addicted to something healthy.

I personally think of blogging as a therapy.

While exercise is good for the body, blogging is good for the mind.

Some people are addicted to reading, some are addicted to working.

I guess we need to get hooked to something that makes us feel good.

Blogging makes me feel good about myself.  There is no side effect.

Combined with songs, that is one winning combination.

Add with exercise, it is a sure fire.


So in conclusion, I should not drag people into my indulgence.

All I need to enjoy my life on daily basis are basically exercising, blogging, eating, sleeping and listening to music.

Is there any harm in doing any of these?

I guess not.  I had carved a niche in my life as a Hedonist Hermit.  

The only downside is I am not doing much other than the same stuff day in, day out.

It's better than wasting money on excess and indulgences.

I am experimenting with a life than require the minimum to be healthy and happy.  So far that's where I am heading.  So if that means for me to be hooked on blogging, I guess that's pretty OK.  I just minding my own business.  I am just pursuing the Zen of Personal Bliss.

In short, I just found a way to be happy and healthy with the minimum use of money and intervention from the outside world.

Surely, I can get addicted to reading.  Alas, my addiction is to writing.  As long as I am happy and there is no hazard to it, I will continue doing what I am doing.

Why do I have the urge to write everything down?
This is called "hypergraphia", a behavioral condition characterized by the intense desire to write. Some studies have suggested that hypergraphia is related to bipolar disorder , hypomania , and schizophrenia .   

So there is a term for it.

For the fun of let see if there is an illness for people who love to talk.

Hahaha there is:

Logorrhea is characterized by the constant need to talk. Occasionally, patients suffering from logorrhea may produce speech with normal prosody and a slightly fast speech rate.

OK, let's see if there is an illness for people who love to exercise.

Shit, there is a disorder for everything.

I tell you what Sarah, I say my compulsion to write is actually a compulsion to be with you.

So sue me.  I have plenty of time and I have the will to write.


Lizzie's illness is the compulsion to talk LOL.  So I pretend to listen.  She doesn't seem to mind.  She is happy talking while I am happy writing.

Do the things that make you happy.

Let me see what are the things that makes me happy on a daily basis:

  • Running
  • Blogging
  • Eating sweet stuff
  • Working out
  • Listening to music
  • Sleeping
  • Drinking 3-in-1 coffee
  • Tweeting Els
Hmmm...  I should be worried about Sugar and Starch rather than my blogging.


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