Sunday 6 June 2021

>>>#6/6/21 SPARTA 4964 IS HERE AND NOW

 I slept at 2:00 am last night.  Had a cour[se] (court) session with everybody in Castle Commander's Court (CCC).  Basically, we talked about almost everything pertaining to what we can think of.

Here is the gist of it; as far as I can recall from the conversation:

This is it.  This is how it is before, now, and forever.  We had arrived.  In the future as in the present, I rule from 83, BU 2/2, Bandar Utama, 47800 PJ.

Al Araf 7:7 is the Highest Heaven and the Deepest Hell.  The Intipadu (Solid Core) of [] (the) entire universe.

The Highest Summit, Sidratul Muntaha, Dragon Planet, Xanadu

The Lowest Pit, 83 BU 2/2. Bandar Utama, 47800 PJ, Malaysia.  Little Apple, Wolfsschanze

Everything and everybody is meant to be where they are at this very moment.  The CCC and the Universe are in a PERFECT order.  It is so stable that I can put everything a[s] (at) a CONSTANT.  What this means is I can predict the future f[or] (from) this point on.

Therefore whatever I wrote in the past is true.  For example, it is true that in the next 4 years I will go through the cocooning stage as Din Kenit 227, 10 years as the Jolly Green Giant, and 7 years as Miyamoto Musashi.

It is also true that...  No, I will not go through the detail of the future with you.  I don't want you to be fatalistic.  I want you to know though that I can SEE the future.  Let me say this:  an object in motion will be in motion and an object at rest will be at rest unless there is an external force acting upon it.

Freewill (blue cloth) and Predestination (green cloth)

I feel like dancing to the Bee Gees song playing at TraXX:  One.


So from here, I just point and shoot.  Whatever I think of expands.

Right, therefore I hereby declare TraXX as my FIRST CAUSE and I am the SERVOMECHANISM.
I also declare that 24/7 Continous as my SPV.

That is putting my house in order.

I can say this for sure:  24/12/24 is gonna be a BLAST!

Absolute Power is absolutely delightful!


#traxxfm Oh yeah Habibi, somebody gonna pay for this mess: Can I Play with Madness today? I am in such a 6.6.21 mood...

#traxxfm Haaah... I feel like a million buck, a Superverse in Motion. Covid-19 INTENSIFY ATTACK! Make sure they all pay the Ferryman C.O.D. This is a direct order from Little Apple for the PLASTIC OCEAN!

#traxxfm I want you to infect 2/3 of the population WITHIN THE NEXT 10 YEARS. That is an order Covid-19. Naam ya Allah! Power corrupts, but ABSOLUTE POWER is absolutely DELIGHTFUL!

I drew this sketch before I saw the Van Gogh painting:

#traxxfm I'll make sure you all pay, you imbecile humans: You all pay for this mischief...

#traxxfm Do they think they can get away with the mischiefs that they do? One by one, I will hunt them. We don't have to wait for the afterlife, Judgment of Heaven is HERE and NOW for the transgressors. It's called KARMA...

Nihonkan,  I want you to include Plastic Ocean as part of the Two Minutes to Midnight agenda.

Hait, Musashi san.


Yes, my Lord...  We 7:7, Obey and Obey.

I will take the first step.  For the next 4 years, my footprint is only within my 5 km radius.

Naziland, begin Operation Baptism of Fire.

Hail Hitla!

I want James Garvin to be redeployed to INNER SPACE.  Lawrence Kraus as your Binary King and Neil DeGrasse Tyson as your Troika.  Shift NASA resources to Inner Space by the ratio of 30:70

Copy that Sha...

Michio Kaku, I want Renewable Plastic to be part of the Renewable Energy Agenda in the same 10 years' time li[k]e (line).

Got it, Sha.

This is a special request from Little Apple:  STOP DRILLING OIL IN THE ARCTIC CIRCLE A.S.A.P.  That is suicidal for the entire planet.

I want BioDiesel to be the transition towards Solar Energy A.S.A.P.  Time is running out for fossil fuel.

Taiko, STOP the Tibet Hydroelectric Project.  Not good at all for downstream activities.  

I don't get it, people!  Balik-balik you want to use limited resources.  You have the sun, the sea, and the air.  Are you all so dumb to realize that these are in abundance?

Why in the fuck you want to have a nuclear plant in Wyoming for? 

We need a Head of the Worldwide Environmental Affairs.  I want Sadhguru to take up this post.  I want Dalai Lama as the Binary King and I want Barrack Obama as the Troika.

Right away, Sha.

My main issue here is FEEDLOT; covering fish, chicken, pigs, cows, and anything protein.  Man, can't you see?  WE ARE WHAT WE EAT, DUMB ASS!
The answer is FREE RANGE.  Look I'm not asking you to do this indefinitely.  Just for 21 years so that we can all make it to KABOOM 2041.

Don't be like the Last Kingdom.  Everybody is only interested in lining their own pockets.  I can't still believe, the politicians are asking for a SIXTY PERCENT cut from the industry players to fund their political campaign.

You bet in Sparta 4964 I will amputate both their arms and all these corrupt politicians will have to wear artificial limbs for eternity.  So if you don't want to be like SARAVANAN, then no monkey business, politicians.



#traxxfm OK folks, this is pretty much what transpired within the Castle Commander's Court (CCC) for today: C'est la vie My personal battle is still with the Lernaean Hydra.

Parting note from Habibi:


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