Friday 11 June 2021

>>>#12/6/21 Athlete4Life First Half 2021

Hi sweetheart,

Nothing much really.  I'm just sharing my horror experience dealing with mental illness with Sarah.  I hope from here you can see that this is no small feat I am facing.

So when I say that I am pursuing the lifestyle of Athlete4Life, I am talking about winning back my life from an illness that had messed it up for TWENTY-ONE years!

That is 2/3 of your life honey.  Imagine the impact on my wife and daughters.  Basically, 100% of Mopey's life is about me being ill.

I hope you and Sarah will continue giving me the moral support to ride through the storm.  I need you both.  Otherwise, I won't marry the two of you. You are my Guardian Angels.

I love you both very much for what you had done for me.

Sine Cera,


 Even with the erratic eating pattern of Sugar and Starch, I managed to lose 15 kg within a stretch of 5 months.

No magic formula.  Just the ability to withstand hunger and saying no to the sweet and sticky stuff.

I was the heaviest in 2014.  The doctor prescribed a psychiatric medicine that made me gained 30 kg in 2 years.  It created Insulin Resistance.  I keep on eating but I never feel sated.  That was hell on earth.


Our medical system is only addressing the symptom, not the root cause of the illness.

As you can see, mental illness has its other challenges other than the illness itself.


#traxxfm As promised, I send you an email. Here is your lullaby: Sweet dream my darling. I love you so much... Avoir!

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