Monday 7 June 2021

>>># 8/6/21 The business of being God

 I slept well last night, my mouth smell better, I woke up before the alarm, and no more inflammation.  That is the power of OMAD LCHF.

Well, as surreal as it is, I am now beginning to accept that I am God Almighty.  The big question is, am I any different than I was before this realization?

Is a Sultan any different before and after he is an Agong?  I look at our current Agong.  He is somebody that I can emulate.  Our Agong is a natural.  A people's person.  He thinks with his heart.  I like to think that I draw my wisdom from my gut; where my microbiome is a collection of my Microbes Superintelligent.  Hence my thought is a collective thought and not the thought of one person.

According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, the intelligence of the cells is not from the nucleus but from the cell's membranes.  According to him, since the intelligence of the whole is the intelligence of the parts, our total intelligence is not from the brain but from the cells of our SKIN.  That is so revolutionary.  It makes sense.  All the 5 senses are connected to our body via the skin.  Furthermore, the skin has the widest surface area.

This can be further observed from the zygote to the embryo development.  The membrane is the external receptor to the fetus.  What is the purpose of the nucleus then?  Its function is to replicate.

The nucleus is called the "brain" of the cell because it holds the information needed to conduct most of the cell's functions. Other molecules make proteins from that information on a regular basis - each moment of our lives.  

Hence I like to think that my skin cells and the microbes are managing me right now like the movie, Meet Dave:

This is not a new realization.  Years ago, when I prayed at a mosque, I felt the reciting of the Quran by the imam permeated through my skin.  So finally there is a person who attests to this notion.

I personally feel that I am still the same person.  However, the realization that I am God makes me a more responsible person.  Always at the back of my mind is my concern to be a just man and just A man.

Therefore as much as possible, I'll try to write responsibly.  

To err is human.  To edit, divine.

That is the attitude I am taking.  I don't want because I am reckless I set a precedence of a creed that impacts the whole Sparta 4964 negatively in the future.

Therefore my first observation is to be congruent in my thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Congruency of thought (Wisdom Within), feeling (Certainty) and action (Adventure) is the basis of the Summit itself.  They are represented by Miyamoto Musashi, the Jolly Green Giant, and Din Kenit 227; the Giants Troika of Sparta 4964.

Therefore, if you want to consider the Troika as the Trinity, I will not object.  Respectively Musashi is the Holy Ghost, Jolly Green Giant is the Father and Din Kenit 227 is the Son.

It has always been a TRI

As I mentioned, we are all gods to our Universe Within. So happened I am also the god of Sparta 4964; the External Universe and Universe Within of the Hexagon Superverse which encompass all matters.


We are One and we are Many.  We are within God and God is within us.  Much like peeling an onion.  In every layer there is God.  All matters are intelligent and all matters are gods.

This is how it looks like from the smallest level to its largest, the Superverse, and back to the smallest again; the Universe Within: 

You all come back to me...

That's how it is.  Tough luck if you cannot live with this revelation especially if you have this hang-up, "Oh, why Sharudin is God Almighty and not someone else?"

Welcome to my life people.  For the past TWENTY-ONE years I was struggling with this question.  There are many answers but I guess the final answer is I was Born to Win.  I am a Wood Double Dragon born in the hour of the Tiger (3:18 am) on 4th September 1964; (4) Forever (9) Yin & (6) Yang (4) Forever; to a mother who is a Rabbit born in the year of the Dragon!

I am not the only one.  All of you are Born to Win.  We are all gods, people.

I am already running late for my morning run.



#traxxfm Hi folks, I am 1/2 an hour late for my 6:00 am run because I want to prepare you this dossier: I hope you find it useful Avoir!

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