Sunday 13 June 2021

13/6/21 ###I should be renewing my resolution every Sunday

 You know Sarah, the idea here is to remain enthusiastic for the rest of your life.

This is easier said than done because after a while we get jaded.  That is why a woodcutter who stops and sharpens his ax will cut more trees.

We need to know we are progressing.  That is why I need to weigh myself every morning.  It is a daily reminder that I am on a journey to achieve something.

That journey requires me to win the day, every day for the next 4 years if I want to reach my destination.

I cannot slack and I cannot be complacent.

I had won Bronze. Next is for me to win Silver.  It cannot be another 5 months.  I got to up my ante.  I need to hit 69 kg by the time I am ready for my hill run training.

#traxxfm Although I planned to hit 60 kg as my ideal running weight, my real battle is won at Silver (69 kg). That is really what separates the men from the boys. I got 6 weeks to get there.  

Hey, you spin Gold before I post this. Is it a coincidence? 


#traxxfm I tell you Habibi, my mood is great. That is the more reason I should avoid sugar and starch. The sweet potato is a great addition to my resistant starch. When I look from that perspective, weight is not a major concern. But running is about weight.

How to reduce inflammation as an athlete?

Add extra produce to your plate by eating more fruits and vegetables, which contain antioxidants and phytochemicals that fight inflammation. Include anti-inflammatory foods, such as tart cherry juice, turmeric, and fish oil to your daily diet, especially during heavy training periods.

Merad and colleagues showed that intermittent fasting reduced the release of pro-inflammatory cells called “monocytes” in blood circulation. Further investigations revealed that during periods of fasting, these cells go into “sleep mode” and are less inflammatory than monocytes found in those who were fed.

#traxxfm This life as a Spartan Athlete Warrior is really fantastic. Can you imagine? All it takes is Sleep Well, Move More and Eat Right. I can't believe how simple the whole thing is...

As long as I can minimize inflammation, I can go the extra mile.

#traxxfm Thanks for the GREAT support Habibi...


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