Wednesday 23 June 2021

23/6/21 &&&Nobody will believe me unless I believe in myself


So forget about convincing others to believe in me.  All I need is to believe in myself.

If I can do that, I can almost remain in isolation indefinitely.

Better still, I just focus on delighting my Universe Within by simply piercing the pinhole of Mushin No Shin.

There is an alternating thought on diet:  continue with 16/8 IF and don't worry about eating too much carbs.

I can't [t]o (do) that.  I need discipline, dedication, and determination.

The only thing that hold me back from enforcing OMAD LCHF all the way is Mental Defeat and Physical Fatigue.  That is now solved by eating sweet potatoes.


I should [] (not) worry about being judged as crazy.  Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Therefore I just execute.

There is no need for aversion.  I just accept myself as who I am.  If I expect people to accept me, then I need to prepare for them to reject me too.

Therefore don't rely on external factors.  

The final arbiter is the man in the mirror.

Am I crazy?  Absolutely not!  I have a different reality.  Hence I cannot base my reality on the opinion of the masses.  I have to accept that my experience is uniquely mine.

Thinking that I am crazy is not useful at all.  


These are major EMOTIONAL inhibitors.  They create indecision and therefore inaction.

I should always be congruent in aligning my Thought, Feeling, and Action.

Although everything starts with a thought, it is feeling that acts as the bridge to action.

More than often,  I failed to take action to exercise because I was not in the mood.

Mood is a fancy word for feeling.

Therefore the idea is to maintain the State of Glad all the time.  Then we mo[r]e (move) with certainty.

I got it right when I said my epitaph reads, "I don't give a fuck and I don't fuck up."

That should be the way.



#traxxfm Hi there Von Bismarck. Very inspiring playlist. I managed to come up with 3 articles for my blog while listening to you: Its R&R from here on.

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