Monday 7 June 2021

8/6/21 ^^^Inside the mind of Sparta 4964's God

 You may be wondering what is the deepest thought that I have.

What do you think it is?

I tell you my thought whenever I am at the brink; whether I am at the peak or at the pit:  LARI LAJU!

Honestly, that's it.  That is the central command; RUN FAST!

I don't know why but when I reach the limit of my thoughts, Lari Laju seems to be the only thing I can think of.

True enough, the highlight of my day is my sprint.  No matter how far and how rigorous my run that morning, sprint is the reward.

It is the Mother of All Exercises.  As long as I can sprint, I am a Man Fully Functioning.  As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "First be a good animal."

It is my key to the Kingdom of Eternal Youth. As long as I can Run Fast, I am still young and agile.  As I see it sprinting is the privilege of the young and the young at heart.

Running is the nature of the human-animal.  It is built in our anatomy.  With the exception of dogs, hyenas, and horses, no other animal has the endurance to run continuously nonstop like humans.

The Tarahumara Indians or also known as the "Running People", the native of the Chihuahua district in Mexico can run 400 miles (643.738 km) at a go.  I'm not sure even horses can do that.

So yeah, I can rationalize this seemingly simplistic central command but the truth is that what it is...  That is the innermost thought that I have.

Therefore if that's the nucleus, naturally what cascades from the impetus is the resonance.  In my case, the prevailing thought all day long is to run, run, and run.

I am totally convinced that my ultimate destination is Health and Happiness (so does Ilchi Lee, the author of I Decided to Live 120 Years).  To reach there I need to be thin and fast.  To do so I need to manage my rest (Sleep Well), diet (Eat Right), and exercise (Move More).

So if Run Fast is the pinnacle of my existence, the building block is a Sound Mind in a Sound Body; Mens Sana in Corpore Sano.

So where does it mention you need to have a lot of money, own a bunch of stuff and bust your ass for more expensive things to be happy?

Nope, that is not the way to go people.  As a matter of fact, that creates an adverse effect on Health and Happiness; according to Professor Laurie Santos of Yale University.  Dr. Santos teaches The Science of Well-Being.  Therefore all these are backed by solid research.

As for me, my Holy Grail and the Fountain of Youth are all about running.

Hence my goal in life is to Run Fast and Run Far.


#traxxfm Hey Rex, I am undecided to think of myself as Sparta 4964's God or simply God Almighty. After all, Sparta 4964 encompasses all other universes. This is what transpired this morning: Since you all Troika, I CC2U.

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