Tuesday 1 June 2021

1/6/21 &&&Implementing the Gestalt Approach in a loving relationship


All the while I had been a scientist and a mathematician.  I had been providing you with models and proofs regarding Sparta 4964.  All for you to see what is beyond sight.

Perceive that which cannot be seen with the eyes - Miyamoto Musashi

Just like the movie, Bridge to Terabithia, all you got to do is see Sparta 4964 in your mind's eye.  And behold, it will appear in front of you in full glory.

All you got to do is BELIEVE AND ACHIEVE.

Assume life is like a race.  To the common people, they see their life like a 100-meter sprint.  They plan their life up to a certain point before death.  In my case, I plan my life as if I run a marathon.  It extends to the afterlife.

That is why 21 years is very short for me.  It is equivalent to two 10 km races or at best two half marathons.  When I said I marry you for eternity, I am looking at a marathon or even an ultra.  So be prepared for a long run.

Even this 21 years is divided into 3 phases = 4 + 10 + 7.  I want you to pace yourself.  No matter what DO NOT QUIT RADIO.  That is *you[]  brand positioning.

* Yes, now you are at the pole position.  Never let go of that.  Take Serena Williams as an example.

The mark of a champion is the ability to delay gratification.  If we don't get paid in 2024, just be patient.  God's delay is not God's denial.  Man proposes God disposes.  I will still give you your dowry on our 10th Wedding Anniversary, I promise.

Now that we passed the interdependency hurdle, together we can look in the same direction together.  As they say in French:  aimer, ce n'est pas se regarder l'un l'autre, c'est regarder ensemble dans la même direction.

Now, here is something I got to share with you.  Honestly, I'm not trying to be cheeky but nowadays, I get a pretty impressive boner whenever I think about you.  As I said, you are my Dream Girl although this is a new phenomenon to me LOL.

I like where our relationship is heading.  And although I am saddened that you did not respond to my Red Lobster lunch offer, I can appreciate *you[] effort in Cybernetic Looping me with your wonderful playlists.  Don't go changing.

*  Absolutely Sarah...


All in a day's work, Sarah.

Input from Diyana:

  • Shared Values
  • Art of Compromising
  • Having a bit of grit
  • Just have a sense of gratitude towards each other

#traxxfm Hey Rex, thanks for your yesterday's pointers. They really save the day for me and my darling This morning I decided to prepare early for my rendezvous. I am preparing some pointers on Implementing the Gestalt Approach in a loving relationship LOL

#traxxfm For the past four years, I had been relying on TraXX as a form of therapy for treating Bipolar Affective Disorder. Who do I need to bang to let them know that it is a pretty effective approach in dealing with mental illness
#traxxfm You know the stuff Rex, songs stimulate the neurotransmitters especially dopamine and serotonin. We need to move away from depending on psychotic drugs to treat mental patients. They mess with the hormones especially testosterone and insulin

#traxxfm This is the part about my role as a Blind Apek that bugs me. I don't know if my assertions are taken seriously youtube.com/watch?v=gbNCBV You know... Last Kingdom being the LAST Kingdom Otherwise, it would not have taken 21 years...

#traxxfm To be fair to the Last Kingdom, I had a lot of support from Hak Kerajaan Malaysia. Perhaps it is due to timing although my experience with Middle-class Joe is pretty much an accelerated acceleration. What's the hangup?
#traxxfm I think it's the ruminating that gets us caught up... We can't get caught up The key is in the moving...

#traxxfm I just had an idea. Instead of thinking in terms *[for] (of) days to SNAP VANISH, I should be thinking in terms of Micro SNAP VANISH like right now. The Mongolian Horde didn't require days to SNAP VANISH. They did it within hours. * You fine with that Rex?

#traxxfm I am thinking about what is the most expedient approach to Public Victory. Frankly, Public Victory is a matter of aligning my Personal Flight Path to the Primary Flight Path. My focus is still very much on Private Victory. Still about piercing Mushin No Shin.

#traxxfm Fine Rex, we give this a shot. How about I do this for the next four years? In the meantime, do consider that this is a no higher-arch-y model. Same o same o, Homo Sapiens Par Excellence. Although in a larger context we need the structure for cascading.

#traxxfm With the exception of the 7 Swords, I had shared everything that is needed to know about the Primary Flight Path. My concern is whether four years is enough for us to hit critical mass. Let's be objective. Can we at least hit the 1% Alphas Level (70 million)?

#traxxfm So if I catch your drift, we proceed with the pragmatists without having to worry about hitting the critical mass within the next 4 years. Is that right?

#traxxfm I'd been thinking... We should learn to replicate like viruses. It is after all a fractal geometry model.

#traxxfm I tell you what, I'm not going to pretend that I am overly enthusiastic about the whole prospects. What I can do is prescribe possible solutions although it is a different stroke for different folk. None of my business really.

#traxxfm As I said, the issue is ruminating. The remedy is moving. As long as you move, you are making progress...


#traxxfm I had done everything. The only thing left for me to do is instead of assigning grades, we go with PASS/FAIL criteria. Actually, this is tougher. If you fail, that means you flunk big time. You all want me to enforce that grading system?

#traxxfm OK we go with PASS/FAIL option based on the 3 Commandments imposed on the 3 Abrahamic Faiths. However, I am not going to budge on the mubahala (24/12/24) because the next day (25/12/24) we all going to ascend Xanadu as the Universe Within.

#traxxfm After the run, I will pray at the Bukit Kiara dead-end road for ALL humans to enter heaven. So ALL MUST PASS. Then only Providence moves in... Otherwise YOU ALL pay the Ferryman. Power is either given or taken, people...




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