Wednesday 5 May 2021

6/5/21 ^^^I am all set for life

 It is proven that I can manage better without dealing with others.

Within one day I meet BJ and RR, I already eat junk, smoke cigarettes, and sleep late.

I am also cutting away from the rest [of the rest] including Munek and Amoi.

If I am to be an Athlete Warrior who strives to run the 21 km Hill, all effort is towards that.

I should not be bothered to carry the remnants of my 21 years burden as a Clockwork Orange with me.

I want to roam as I please.

I want to pursue my own passion.  Minding my own business.

This Covid 19 is a good excuse to be in isolation.  I have my own set of values and my own priorities.

Look at Lizzie.  Sh[a] (She) can manage on her own.  Now, that is independence.

Here I am, wanting autonomy and yet I have to tow the bandwagon.

Just ripcord.

I should focus on my own Personal Flight Path.  That session with BJ and RR just now is a stressful situation for me.  I feel my neck tensed especially after talking to RR.

All I care about is pursuing my own path. 

The furthest I am willing to go is B.L.E.S.S.

Beyond that are clouds in the coffee.

I got everything.  I don't need anybody else.  I got the blog, I got TraXX and 24/7 Continuous, I got CCC, and I got my 5 km Radius.

I don't need the extras to pursue my Vision Quest.  I am self-sustaining.

OK, I better sleep.  Tomorrow is a [a] new beginning for me. 


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