Monday 17 May 2021

18/5/21 ^^^Let's push it to the brink with Rex today

Sharudin Jamal
#traxxfm Hey Rex. You are my heavyweight mental jouster here. I am thinking of taking it to the brink today: Let me know what do you think. Are you ready for some philosophical discourse?

#traxxfm I guess that is a cue that you are up to it. I want to talk about Shu Ha Ri this morning. This will extend into several tweets. Bear with me on this VERY IMPORTANT philosophy. Once you get it, you are set for life. You will never see the same way again.

#traxxfm Let me start talking about paradigms. It's a set of rules we follow to be successful UPTO a certain point. Paradigms are NOT the Truth. It's a model. Within a certain parameter, the model is successful. However, it is not 100% true, once we reach the fringes.

#traxxfm Therefore if you want to think out of the box, you got to be OUT of the box. As long as you are in the box, your mind is shackled by the parameters of the box, capiche? Initially, you need the box. However, beyond the fringes, you discard the box - Shu Ha Ri

#traxxfm It is not an easy process. In the early stage, *you[] mind will go through neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. Initially, as your mind expands, it's like spreading roti canai. Since you are new to it, the dough tears. In my case that was the 6 psychosis.

#traxxfm That's why there is a thin line between genius and insane. In my case that is taking EVERYTHING that I know (and don't know) to the brink. Should I fail, my fuse will short-circuit. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. We adapt...

#traxxfm The beautiful *thin[k] (thing) about adaptation is once that happens, you get to pierce the pinhole of Mushin No Shin. It's like Alice's Through the Looking Glass. You have the Third Eye. Shu Ha Ri in my opinion is pushing the limit, challenging the process.

#traxxfm Once you embrace Shu Ha Ri, the application is abounding. You are not transfixed with the status quo. You will be like water, very fluid and highly adaptable. Your world is a world of possibility. You embrace challenges. Even death is a welcome thought.


#traxxfm When I prayed to be the Creator's Most Loyal Soldier, I thought I will be on a tour of duty for 2 years at most. I was so naive then. Little did I know that it's a lifetime commitment. My finish line is 2041. If by then nothing happens, I become an atheist.

#traxxfm I owe much of this voyage to Sarah. She is the one who convinced me to march to the beat of the old drum. Heck, she even convinced me that I am God. Left to my own reasoning, I am ready to forgo everything and become an Agnostic Atheist.

#traxxfm The only thing that sticks is I have a BELIEVING MIND. Should I'm a skeptic, I had fallen off the wagon a long time ago. This mindset is encoded in my ROM. No matter what, my RAM cannot override it. I am a believer by default of my programming. An irony...

#traxxfm This Ramadan is my winning streaK: * Won Gold Walk/Run Interval, 10 loops - 13/4/21 (1st) * Won Bronze Overall Weight Reduction, 79 kg - 21/4/21 (9th) * Water Only Fast PR, 11 days - 23/4/21 (11th) * Can wear ALL pants again - 3/5/21 (21st) * NO SPOOK

#traxxfm One of my Shu Ha Ri: The third ritual that I practice is by setting my heart to sixty beats per minute. I do this by chanting Allah ooo Allah ooo Allah ooo Allah. By doing so I am composed all the time. I seldom panic. I am in Qiam (steadfast) always.


#traxxfm In its truest sense, I am a drifter. I don't do anything productive beyond my personal preference. I wonder if that is permissible? Makes me wonder how philosophers, artists, poets, and saints earn their keeps. Let alone extreme sports enthusiasts.

#traxxfm Well, perhaps beyond thriving is where we are really flourishing. After all, that's how civilization prosper. After we thrive we flourish.

#traxxfm I am really a microscopic guy. I think local but act globally. Makes me wonder how I managed to entangle myself in such a labyrinth. I would say that from this point on, there is nothing beyond me other than introspection.

#traxxfm Like for example doesn't it puzzle you, Rex, that for a person who doesn't give a f*ck and who doesn't f*ck up, I seem to have my hands in so many issues that I don't even give a hoot! I don't get it. How is it possible? What is the underlying principle?


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