Monday 10 May 2021

10/5/21 ###I shouldn't have let down my guard last week

 It is difficult to get back to point zero again.  It's like waking up from a bad dream; which I did just now.

Funny to think about it, everything is a matter of regulating the neurotransmitters.

Depending on the chemical composition at that time, I can feel very special or I can feel so ordinary.

I bet that's what happened to the prophets throughout the ages.  They had a chemical imbalance.

That doesn't explain all the karomah I am experiencing though.

So there is STILL a possibility that I am special.  Like what was presented in the Lego Movie.

However, based on my assessment, I had done EVERYTHING that needs to be done.

Now is for me to walk [] (my) Path.

This is really strange...  The minute I decided that my salvation is the 21 km Hill Run, I suddenly experienced a SYSTEM SHUT OFF.  I stopped my Water Only Fast, I eat a lot of sugary stuff, I sleep a lot, stop exercising, and am depressed.

It's like my body is rebelling against my will.  Therefore this 21 km Hill Run is another battle by itself.  The war is not over yet.

I'll wait for Ramadan to be over.  Then I'll start my training all over again.

What is the real issue here?


So no more 3-in-1 coffee and festival cookies.  I have to put a stop to this.

I have to break the addiction.

Back to basics - Regular OMAD the whole week


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