Tuesday 18 May 2021

18/5/21 ***I want to talk about social reform

Sharudin Jamal
#traxxfm As I understand it, you all can access my blogs. So I'm going to minimize my exposure on Twitter. I just freeflow with the blog instead.

This is retirement for me.  I just cruise with my thoughts and go with the flow.

OK let's touch base a bit on social reform.  This is not my strongest subject.  Therefore I just move from one idea to another like a bee pollinating the flowers.

Basically, we are a Socialist Society that practices Martial Law.  Therefore all able bodies are Swiss Samurai Cyborgs and the People with Disabilities are the Swiss Citizen Soldiers or also known as the Swiss Civilian Service should they are not able to perform military duties.

Military duties are nothing more than Mens Sana in Corpore Sano (Private Victory), Do Good Do No Harm (Public Victory).

Brb...  Picking up Lizzie.

That's basically the general idea.  The Code of Conduct is Sharudin Seven and the Values are Musashi's Nine Percepts

Fuck...  I don't feel like going through the subject.  All are repeats.  Basically, I had addressed all the areas I need to address


You know what I should do?

Let go of everything and remain a Private Citizen.  I'll be Din Kenit 227.

Forget that I ever become the Jolly Green Giant.

I just concentrate on delighting my Universe Within.

To sum it up, I had peaked.

Therefore I have to scale down again.  God knows how many times we had repeated the cycle.


How small can we get?  Can it be just you and me?

Nope.  The smallest is B.L.E.S.S.

Let's stick with that formation.

I want to listen to Sword 9 for a change.

Everything is too predictable.  Let's interrupt the pattern today.


This is what's in my mind.  I plan to simply write whatever I think.  It could be my conversation with you or it could be my monologue I have with myself.

The idea is [] (to) drift through the open space looking for pearls of wisdom.  Since it is a sieving process, I should go through the whole nine yards without preconceptions about what I might uncover.

Like right now I want to talk about being sleepy.  I think I'll take a short nap.  Later Sarah... 


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