Saturday 22 May 2021

22/5/21 ^^^Now that I had peaked, it's time to scale down

#traxxfm Dear Habibi, when we talk about mountain climbing, the ascend is only 1/2 the journey. The other 1/2 is the descend. In an actual climb, normally the descend is more laborious. You are tired and exhausted. You become careless and make more mistakes.

@radiogreenman #traxxfm I had peaked on the Summit of Al A'raf 7:7. Normally that's what we all want to remember from our Vision Quest. We forget about the valleys. In this case; Matthew 7:7, Psalm 9:9, Ar Ra'd 13:11 and At Tawbah 9:11.
#traxxfm When I refer to the valleys, I am referring to my own constraints as a human being. We never cease from exploring. And at the end *[to] (of) the exploration is to arrive at the same place and know it for the first time - T.S. Elliot. * Yes I will...

That's the whole deal, Sarah.  Jack vs Mad Jack.

#traxxfm Basically, it is a case of Jack vs Mad Jack: There are no heroes and no villains in this story. It's just the case of scared kids who are afraid of their own shadows or brave kids who dare to embrace the light

#traxxfm The Vision Quest is not complete without the valleys. In my case, they are the Eight-headed Hydra, The Erroneous Eight SSIDSLIP.

#traxxfm Therefore Habibi, the key is in the training:

#traxxfm Rex is complaining that I keep on repeating the same stuff. It has to be. We need to master the basics. Most of these are personal reminders to me to be *[to be] *[] (true to) the form. * Thank you for understanding, Sarah. Yup, model the way.

#traxxfm I remember when I was training for my cross country running while I was in high school. My PE Coach ONLY mantra was, "Don't stop running." That lesson sticks with me until today! Whenever I want to quit, I just tell myself to keep on running.


#traxxfm I wanted to review my work as I usually do on Saturdays. But when I came to the point where I sent this to Big Brain Baby I cannot proceed further. So I am stuck talking cock and singing song with you Habibi.


#traxxfm OK I spell out my 3 commandments to the 3 Abrahamic Faiths Chimpanzees - Be good to thy neighbor Monkeys - Wash after you urinate, defecate and fornicate Donkeys - DO NOT WORSHIP THE GODDAMN STONE! And keep the temperature down!

#traxxfm Listen here This is the message from Microbes Superintelligent: COVID 19 is the Bad Cop, they are here to cull the population. The Good Cop is the Friendly Bacteria. The war is won at the MICROBIOME. Use the cheaper alternative.

#traxxfm The African countries are considering the bacteria alternative because it's way, way, waaay cheaper than the USD10 per pop vaccines. What do you get to lose doc? You doctors are suckers for Big Pharma... As if it is the only way.

Let me highlight how you doctors are so suckered by Big Pharma. You all spend millions on the Astrazeneca Diabetes Campaign which is a BIG LIE. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food - Hippocrates. FIRST DO NO HARM Just read

#traxxfm This is very strange, I cannot read my blog but I am allowed to add my tweets to you on it. So by popular demand, I shall continue talking cock and singing songs with you Habibi. Let me expand on these slides:

#traxxfm The gist of it is I want you all to STOP being takers and start being GIVERS. Little Apple (earth) said enough is enough... Not only you are killing me, but you are also killing everything INCLUDING yourself. Please bear for the next 21 years only.

#traxxfm Do you realize how fast is 21 years? Din Kenit 227 Phase - 4 years to Global Telepathy 2024 Jolly Green Giant Phase - 10 years to Empires of the Minds 2029 and World of Hybrids 2034 Miyamoto Musashi Phase - 7 years to KABOOM 2041 AVOIR FOLKS

#traxxfm Yes Habibi, this is the song... Dream On. Dream Cutty Sark, Habibi. While I dream Atalanta (the Running God) I have a date with in Seattle. LOL

#traxxfm Unfortunately Last Kingdom being the LAST Kingdom fumbled big time. Thanks to Mr. Homo Erectus Dysfunctionus Apalah Last Kingdom. As said by , "Biar Betul..."

#traxxfm Hahaha... Correction, Last Kingdom is supportive of the Sativa Strain Initiative. My 3 previous images just went blank ROTFLMAO...


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