Wednesday 19 May 2021

>>>#20/5/21 Moment of Truth with Rex

Sharudin Jamal
#traxxfm Hi all, I forwarded my dossier to in your TraXX Gmail. What you see is not real; Those who know will not tell - Iron Maiden, BNWorld
#traxxfm I am repeating the fundamentals so that the transient team members can move at the same pace. Bear with me. This is still the forming, storming, norming, and performing with We need to cross the chasm together.

#traxxfm You are familiar with basketball right? Well, it not the once-a-while fancy 3 point shots that the players practice the most. It's the 2 points shots that determine the bulk of the score. That's where the beef is LOL

Once Krista is up to speed, then she can act as the magnifier for Athlete4Life Lifestyle.  She is already on the right track.

Within my scope, I say that will be to sleep well, move more and eat right.  Then we need a sound mind and a sound body.  We achieve that through diet and exercise.

My job is to synthesize, synchronize and synergize.  If the fundamentals are too complex, then we get bogged down by techniques rather than intuition.

Techniques are important but intuition is supreme.  Kata is the foundation, however, it is the Do that determines the final outcome.

I hope you all understand this clearly.  My job is to make difficult things simple.  That's why my company is named Simple Concept.

Remember these two lessons from Bruce Lee:

#traxxfm As Tony Robbins put it; repetition is the mother of skills. As long as we don't master the basics, we cannot move up to the next level of the game.

#traxxfm That is why to me the best zazen is running. That is the Kung Fu (Hard Work) bit. When everything is Zen, then anything is zazen. Lying in bed while focusing on breathing from the diaphragm can be zazen and sleeping is Zen.

#traxxfm I'm going to minimize Tweeting because I want to be fluid with my thoughts. Therefore refer to the blogs. I just follow the Force, Path, and Flow; the XYZ Equation. If this is a river, then we have the current, the bank, and the volume.


#traxxfm I have two missions. The first was to defeat Iblis; which I did in 2014. The second is to bring you home; which is during KABOOM 2041. Both are 7 and 7. Which is me, Sharudin 7:7. Nothing more nothing less, Forever (4) Yin (9) & Yang (6) forever (4).

Hey Sarah, you heard this before.  How do [] (you) eat an elephant?  

Answer:  One bite at a time.

OK, I have a riddle for you.

How do you put a giraffe in a fridge with just 3 steps?

I give you one minute to think...

Answer:  Open the fridge, put the giraffe in, close the fridge.  Get it?

Now, how do you put an elephant in a fridge with just 4 steps?

Again, one minute to think.

Answer:  Open the fridge, TAKE OUT the giraffe, put the elephant in, close the fridge.

LOL you got to take out the giraffe honey...

Suddenly there was a forest fire.  Tarzan called all the animals to congregate.  Only one animal didn't turn up.  Which animal Sarah?

If your answer is the elephant, you are correct.  It's still in the fridge!


I share this joke in my Project Management class.  There are lessons in project management here that you can gather.


You know what bothers me, Sarah?

The fact that I cannot SNAP VANISH.

Since I cannot SNAP VANISH, I also cannot RIPCORD.

That shows I am emotionally attached to my assignment.  By right I should look at emotion emotionlessly.

This is important considering that we practice Autonomous Governance and the Zen of Personal Bliss.  As I said, eventually we are gods to our own universes.

No doubt my External Universe is Sparta 4964.  However, it is not a dependent universe.  It is interdependent.  A no higher-arch-y structure.

I want to apply these concepts:

At the macro-level:

At the micro-level:

#traxxfm If you look at the micro-level, assume we turn Little Apple (earth) into a Giant Daisho Set; provided we are all aligned internally, we can align to the entire planet even.

#traxxfm What are the possible applications? Basically, you can telepathy with anybody and anything. There are also the possibilities of telekinetic and teleporting.

#traxxfm That is why we need to have Global Telepathy 2024 as the foundation. That is the Wright Brothers flying machine. We need that before we start flying in a jet plane.

#traxxfm Observation #8: The final realization is all matters are gods. We must firmly believe we have the same potential to be great *a[nd] (as) any matter that exists. Nobody is a lesser being among equals. We all must firmly believe in this awakening.

#traxxfm Damn right I am repeating myself: We are One and we are Many. We are within God and God is within us. Much like peeling an onion. In every layer there is God. All matters are intelligent and all matters are gods. You all still thinking like consumers...


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