Thursday 20 May 2021

20/5/21 ***Who says a retiree have all the time in the world?

 One last workout and I am home free...

#traxxfm Basically, Sarah wanted me to continue with Fuzzy Thinking: I'm not complaining. I'm just wondering if this is the best move. Being a Blind Apek is not entirely Absolute Thinking. It is mainly Fuzzy Thinking since I have *[d]o (to) deal with ambiguities.

#traxxfm My reply: Now you realize that I am subject to Type I and Type II errors; rejecting what is true and believing what is false. The more I swing the bat the lower the batting average. Unless you want to discard the batting average and only count my home runs.

Nostalgic Din's Dozen

1.  Kempas Kempis Kembung

#traxxfm I'm going to change the pace a bit. While you are rocking on the other end, I will spin my Nostalgic Din's Dozen. In NLP we call this Pattern Interruption. OK, first song: Hahaha...

2.  Cik Kecik Kembung

#traxxfm I bet you never heard of this song: Look, look, how "modern" they were...

3.  Gurindam Jiwa

#traxxfm This song I dedicate to you, the love of my life, the sweetest of my sweetheart: I hope you like it.

4.  Ikan Di Laut Asam Di Darat

#traxxfm This song is about the concept of yuan fen: I like this song very much...

5.  Budi Setahun Segunung Intan

#traxxfm This song is your kind of song: It's about the value of *[] (being) kind.

* Hey, Sarah really likes you, honey...

6.  Fatwa Pujangga

#traxxfm This song reminds *[w]e (me) of the eccentric relationship I have with you and Sarah: A Groovy Kind of Love... * Do you know that Sarah can speak Malay?

7.  Che Mek Molek.

#traxxfm I looove joget. This is *[my] among my favorite: It reminds me of the first week I met you.

8.  Tunang Pak Dukun

#traxxfm This song is a reminder that I marry you on 7/7/18: I know it doesn't really mean that but it has a nice ring to it LMAO.

9.  Sibaju Hijau

#traxxfm This is what is known as the A GO GO genre. You do the "twist", and the "swim", and the "dive" when you listen to this song: Hey, did I tell you that my favorite color is green?

10.  Ku Pakai Kaca Mata

#traxxfm Another A GO GO genre: Those were the happy days... The band is called KUGIRAN (Kumpulan Guitar Rancak).

11.  Sendangkan Lidah Lagi Tergigit

#traxxfm You got to remember this song: I sent you an email entitled Even Tongue Got Bitten. We had our first rift and I tried to soothe you out. Does it work? I think it did because the next day you said you feel like a new person.

12.  Nirmala

#traxxfm The last of the Nostalgic Din's Dozen: OK not really nostalgic but hey, I am entitled *[s]o (to) a dash of narcissism. * Hahaha, pretty good ending yeah, Sarah?

#traxxfm Nostalgia aside, this is your lullaby for tonight: Goodnight sweetheart. I love you so much... Avoir!

#traxxfm Hey honey, I really appreciate the way you all at TraXX are treating me knowing I am a slightly cracked egg and everything. Mental illness is a very lonely business. I really appreciate the company... Thanks.

#traxxfm Hey is it not too late to ask you to spin My Guardian Angel by Jumpsuit Apparatus?


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