Saturday 8 May 2021

9/5/21 ^^^There is always 2 sides to an argument

 In my case, I have to consider both sides.

It boils down to whether you believe or don't believe in God, the afterlife, and the Judgment of heaven.

This is a tough call for me.  On my own, at this stage, I would say I am undecided.  As I always said, it is An Apple and No Apple situation.  The sword cuts both ways.

It makes no difference either.  I am preparing for No Apple although An Apple is desirable.

I guess the best thing for me to say is I don't have a preset expectation.

In both cases, I am preparing for the worst, Shinu Kikai O Motomo.  One thing for sure is we going to die.  Therefore in preparation for my death, I am living my life to the fullest.

As I always remind myself; everything counts but nothing matters.

What I can control I do my best;

What I can't control I have to let go;

What I can control is my effort

What I cannot control is the result.



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