Sunday 16 May 2021

16/5/21 ^^^What do I talk about when I talk about diet and exercise

Hi Troika,

This is my ranting with Sarah last night.

I guess depending on your point of view, this can be a boon or a bane.

I let you decide...



Note to Krista:  This is *[me like] (my life) sweetie.  Welcome to Sparta 4964.

* For a person of little words, you do talk much when comes to Krista, honey.

 You may be thinking, will I ever get bored talking about diet and exercise?


That is my lifeline.  My business is about sleeping well, moving more, and eating right.

As long as I am not thin and fast, I will keep on talking about diet and exercise.  That is part of the reinforcement.

I did veer into other subjects in the past like in search of truth and evolution.  What I can say is they are pale in comparison because diet and exercise affect my health and happiness DIRECTLY.

So, Sarah, you can more or less let me be from this point on.

It will be very monotonous.  I am not interested to talk about anything else.  Until I am thin and fast, I will be looping on the same subjects like a broken record.

Why should I be bothered to deal with things I cannot control if within my grasp is my own destiny?

While we can talk about diet and exercise, nothing changes until we actually take the necessary action to eat right and move more.

Yup, we can talk.  However, it's our action that speaks louder.

In a way, today I failed in my OMAD attempt.  That however does not make me a failure.

I accept that as a temporary setback.


I think the time has come for me to stop goofing around.

Let's look [] (at) it this way.  m[y] (me) and both my House of Sha and my House of Two Swords had won the Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket.  To top it up I am taking my Universe Within up to Xanadu in 2024.

Here is the pivotal question, "Why can't I just load Sailbad the Sinner with 9.7 billion "fireflies"?"

Actually, that is what I intend to do.

I have all the intentions to bring you all home.  This is a homecoming voyage.  I don't care if you all misbehave.  Karma wi[th] (will) take care of your misdeeds automatically.

Of course, my job is to give you your grades.  So I will give you all a passing mark.  Nobody fails in my class.  Otherwise, you cannot board Sailbad the Sinner.  All I can do is put you into either First, Second, Third, or Fourth Class cabins.

The same goes for when you reach Sparta 4964.  The heaviest lands first.  Then as the load gets lighter, Sailbad the Sinner will ascend to Xanadu with the lightweights.

That's my plan.

So for the next 4 years or 21 years even, let's work towards offloading those unnecessary "weights" like what I am doing right now.

The A and B students can join me in 2024 while the C students may take up until 2034.  As for the D students, we'll give them until 2041.

A word of caution, do not underestimate Karma.  I'll make sure you all will be tested to the hilt if you had never been tested for your misdeeds.

Everybody will have to pay the Ferryman to sail on Sailbad the Sinner.  Therefore payment is C.O.D.  We are already sailing since 13/1/20.

The best is you pay in sweat.  It is the currency of Sparta 4964, now and forever.

We don't indulge our citizens.  This is Sparta!


Also, I don't want to pretend *[] (to be) the God to all of you.

* Awww come on Sarah.  You know me.  I just want to be a free radical.

I am the God of my universes; the External Universe Sparta 4964 and my Universe Within.

There are other universes.  You are gods to your own universes.

As I mentioned, this is Autonomous Governance and the Zen of Personal Bliss.  You be you and I be I.

We'll keep it simple.  I am not a tormentor.

That is why I did a Prison Reform in 2019 so that Wolfsschanze is a Place of Wind and Water.  Not a place of blazing fire.

I did away with all that.  The Prison Reform is modeled after the Norway Prison.  It is a rehabilitation center to eventually train the transgressors into Sparta 4964 Hoplites.

Nothing was created in vain.

Even as pissed I am with the Sheikh from IKIM, he still got a chance to redeem himself by running the London Marathon in 2024 with the qualifying time of 6 hours.  Fully sponsored by IKIM.  However, if he chooses the Void, then he can continue to be a Dead Man Walking.

Judgment of Heaven had already been passed unto him:

I'm an easy-going guy.  However, there is only one thing I don't compromise.  DO NOT WORSHIP THE STONE.  If you do that, the number of years you prostrate to the stone is the number of years you serve Prison Reform unless you join the Army of Soloman/Slyman.

As you can see, I am trying my best to get the monkey off my back.  As much as possible, I try my best to be a Just Man by being Just A Man.

Definitely no eternal damnation except if the Sheikh from IKIM got sent to the Void.  Even that is a Freedom of Choice on his part.  He can choose the Void or he can run the London Marathon 2024.

Fuck...  I hate this job.

Honestly speaking I don't mind being Din Kenit 227 for the next 21 years.  Just me and my 5 km radius.

Can I decide on that?

I am very happy with what I had gathered so far.

I'm willing to settle for what I have now provided I am given the freedom to choose and to act.  Other things I can do without.  However, as a free radical, I value my freedom the most.

Right now, this very moment is my Zen of Personal Bliss.


#traxxfm Hi Troika, I sent an email to you regarding something sunder from my conversation with Sarah last night. Burpee Babe Troika is my Info Warfare Nucleus in TraXX. At this point just take it that I am Socrates in WotPW.

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