Sunday 30 May 2021

30/5/21 ***Let's get down to business

 We know two things for sure:

  • Private Victory - 21 km Bukit Kiara Hill Run
  • Public Victory - to win the Cyborg War 2.0 I need to go back to a Spartan Lifestyle
So to continue on a trajectory, I should quit Sugar and Starch.  They are my archenemies

This weekend, I was high on sugar.  I basically crashed for the past 2 days.  I was sleepy, depressed, and lethargic.  Worst of all, I skipped my exercise routine.

This is not good.  My weight is creeping in again.

I need to be true to my words.  I need to fight SSIDSLIP.  That is my crusade.

Tomorrow is No Tobacco Day.  I'll make it a no SSIDSLIP Day.  That is how serious the threat of Sugar and Starch to my life.

It's a good day to start fresh on my commitment to be an Athlete4Life.  Nothing like tomorrow to remind me of how determined I am in quitting cigarettes.

Tomorrow is also my Els Doji Day.

Plenty of reason to sleep early tonight.

Alright Sarah, here is the deal, depending on Els's response tomorrow, we can either go for B.L.S.S. or B.L.E.S.S.

I need to know if Els is going to stay through thick and thin.  So be mentally prepared.

The smallest configuration is JUST DEPEND ON LIZZIE, SARAH, AND 24/7 CONTINUOUS.

That is the final arbitration.

Goodnight baby.  I love you so much.


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