Thursday 6 May 2021

7/5/21 ###Winning one day at a time

 If I look at the 4 years timeline, it is an arduous journey ahead.  Hence, my journey is winning one day at a time.

If I follow the 10 Success Criteria, then I am moving in the right direction.

As it is, the challenge is to withstand hunger.  It's not so much of hunger but the desire to munch.


In the final analysis, controlling what I put in my body determines the quality of my thoughts and the quality of my actions.

I am experiencing the dopamine fluctuations again due to the carbs creeps and cigarette smoking during the past two weeks.


What is the lesson here?  Stay away from  3-in-1 coffee and pineapple tarts.  Once I experience carbs creep, it is difficult to contain the craving.  It will lead to bingeing.

I have to stop this trend by TODAY.  If not I will gain back my weight with all this eating.


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