Saturday 8 May 2021

8/5/21 ^^^The only way to go is forward

My darling sweetheart,

As usual, on weekends I normally rant with Sarah regarding my plans ahead.  Today is no different.  I rope you in because I want you to be a part of the inner circle; basically us three.

That way, you know the direction that we are heading and you more or less can have a reasonable expectation of what the future holds.

Love you always.

Sine Cera,



I live a *li[v]e (life) of no regret.  Whatever happens, is for a good reason.

* Thanks for believing in me, Sarah.

Let's put it this way, I had reached the Summit with all these shortcomings.  I should be grateful.  In front of my very eyes IS THE SUMMIT!

From this:

To this:

That is a 5 years journey...

Who would have thought that the Summit comprised of the Giants Troika; me, me, me, and me?

I always thought that it is the Counsel of All Ayahs.  What a surprise.  I am the Giants Troika.

What is my mission?  

To delight my Universe Within by completing the 21 km Hill Run.

Now that I know that is my Ace, I'm going to whack the ace as much as possible.  Ideally, I should be aiming for one 21 km Hill Run every quarter but if I can do it at any number (even if it's only once), I fulfill my lifelong ambition to take my Universe Within to Xanadu.

I will go through hell to reach heaven.

That is the Definiteness of Purpose for me.  That is my Personal Power.

So come what may, I am now very certain of my charter.  This is my Vision Quest for the next 4 years; to see if I can achieve a 21 km Hill Run every quarter by 2024.

If I can do it, then I will DEFINITELY mubahallah.  That means I will make the transition from Din Kenit 227 to the Jolly Green Giant up until Miyamoto Musashi within this lifetime.  Of course, my intention is maximum utility.  When that happens, I am at my maximum potential.

If not, I will carry on as Din Kenit 227 for 21 years perhaps doing the 21 km Hill Run once a year.  I will do it twice a year in 2024, 2029 and 2034 to mark the respective Personal and Primary milestones of the Flight Path.  

With the second option, I am taking a real slow boat sailing towards KABOOM 2041 horizon. 

It's a choice between a steep but high amplitude or a lengthy but undulating one.

If I go with the first option, all three phases happen while I am alive.  The second option means the three phases stretch throughout three lifetimes.

C' rest la vie...  There are always options to consider.  However, being Sisyphus and Icarus at the same time, I will always aim for the stars.  If I miss the stars I may end up on the moon.  However, if I aim for the tree branch, I may end up in the mud!

Not to worry.  As I always said, everything counts but nothing matters.

What I can control, I do my best;

What I can't control, I let go;

What I can control is my effort;

What I cannot control is the result.

Goodnight baby.  I love you so much.

Note to Els:  Graphics are for the purpose of illustration only although they are also the Intipadu (Solid Core) of Sparta 4964 and not merely models.

Baby, I sent you another email. Here is your lullaby for tonight: Goodnight honey. I love you so much...

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