Tuesday 11 May 2021

11/5/21 ###Big Brain Baby Happy Hour

Sharudin Jamal
#traxxfm Say, honey, the love of my life... Do you read Don Quixote (pronounced Kihote)? He was the guy who thought windmills were giants and attacked them with his lance. I think he knew *the[re] were windmills and not giants but treated them as giants anyway.

#traxxfm I bought a t-shirt with this Picasso's print. As a reminder that even Don Quixote needs a Sanchez. Without Sanchez, he is a knight without a squire. It kinda hard to determine the rightness of his thought on his own.

#traxxfm Darling, this is coming to the 4th year you know me. You know me in TraXX longer than you don't know I exist. This is a complex illness, baby. I cannot recover at this rate without you and Sarah. You know the suicidal thoughts? It's very tempting to follow.

#traxxfm You know the suicidal thoughts? It is saying that I had done much. Why not accelerate my departure? On the other side, there is a surprise party waiting for me. Very, very tempting...

#traxxfm So I figured there is a good reason why I have a mental illness. Not only I have a glimpse of madness, but I am also given a chance to appreciate suicide. How quaint... Very quaint indeed.

#traxxfm After going through 21 years of ordeal, I am convinced that madness is about managing the fluctuation of the neurotransmitters. In my case, it is the dopamine surge. Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food - Hippocrates.

#traxxfm Darling, you understand baseball? In baseball, the *[] (more) swings you make the lower the batting average. The great players are not measured by the batting average but *[] (by) the number of home runs they make. More swings the higher chances of success.

#traxxfm Like the baseball players, I keep on swinging. Which means my batting average is low. However, I have more home runs than the average players who take less swing but have a high batting average. You copy that, honey bunny?

#traxxfm “I am no longer concerned with good and evil. What concerns me is whether my offering will be acceptable.” - Robert Frost To paraphrase, "I no longer concerned with right or wrong, what concerns me is whether my offering is useful." - Sharudin J. Like this:

#traxxfm So is this useful?

#traxxfm OK baby, here is your lullaby for tonight: youtube.com/watch?v=nEbcqt I told you Disney is Yes Din, didn't I? Goodnight darling. I love you so much. Avoir!

#traxxfm I asked you before, how does it feel to be Anak Emas Gomen (Government Golden Child). I was one since 1977. So I more or less can relate to your situation. Whatever you do, DON'T EVER QUIT RADIO...


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