Friday 21 May 2021

>>>#21/5/21 Today I'll be a Servomechanism to Rex as First Cause

OK, I will not tweet unless it is necessary.

Friday is always a special day for me.

Since Addin's retirement, I don't have anybody to handle Worldly Affairs for me.

So I'm thinking that Dini the Flower Chimp to handle that portion. Since Dini and the Information Warfare Troika are operating at the Summit,  she can update me on the Worldly Affairs via technology.

That *wa[s] (way) her scope extends beyond just administrative and policymaking.

* OK good...

In that case, I want Earth Watch Center HQ to be in Naziland.  Therefore Green Peace should also be stationed there for the purpose of monitoring and control.  I want Green Peace to be the operational arm of Worldly Affairs.

That also means that the Council of the Ten Ten Ten Teenagers to be shifted to Earth Village, Naziland.


OK fine, today I try to answer questions regarding Sparta 4964 so that you can model it for the X-Factor deployment.

I will not go through the detail on the Hellenic Civilization and the utilization of Applied Technology.  So is the Pretokugawa Women in Uniforms of Dragon Planet.

What I will illustrate is...  Hang on, let me see if I have a reference for you to follow.

These are the potentials:

#traxxfm Hi Rex, I am minimizing the tweets beginning today. Keep referring to the blog. These are my latest recommendations on how we are going to shape Sparta 4964 X-Factor in the near future. What's *[] (written) are the potentials. Do read.

Using these two books as your bearing, what I want you to imagine is Sparta 4964 as a world of THE RIGHT FIT.  I say this many times; NO INDULGENCE.  That's where the trouble begins.

Imagine animals in the wild.  Now compare that with the domesticated animals.  What's the difference?  You don't find obese animals in the wild.

Same with us humans.  There is no obese hunter-gatherer.  So while we have plenty of choices when comes to creature comfort, WE NEED TO BE MINIMALISTS.  Even if we can afford it.

Hang on to this thought:  Mice that were given 30% less food live 30% longer - Mark Sisson.

What does it say about indulgence and being complacent?

The idea is to shrink the carbon footprint.  That is the only way we can keep the temperature down.

Therefore by being a minimalist you shrink your parameters but within that parameters, you become physically active.  You live a Spartan lifestyle even if you can afford the indulgence.

Of course, I don't want you to practice asceticism.  Even I consider myself as a Hedonist Hermit.  However, stop mindless hedonism a[s] (and) go for Voluntary Simplicity,  


Next, I want to talk about my training progress.  

When I started Freeletics (a no-weight workout) a few years back, I wanted to focus on only a few exercise routines.  One of them was the burpee.

Personally, I think [] (burpee) is the best no-weight body exercise.  I have to admit, when I first did burpee, I hated it.  Actually, I hated myself for not able to do it effortlessly.

Nowadays, I look forward to burpee.

Man, I'm sleepy as hell.


I feel really good after drinking the apple cider vinegar.  It supposes to be an appetite suppressant.  I managed to curb my hunger instead of going for Ayam Tonggek.

I need to get back to OMAD LCHF if I want to be thin and fast.

Still sleepy...


I don't feel like talking about anything else other *that[t] (than) diet and exercise.

* Right, those are the precursor to a sound mind and a sound body.

After all, it's about being thin and fast.

We had established that these are the basic requirements for health and happiness; our end game.

Do you realize how many people got it wrong when comes to sleep well, move more and eat right?

The main culprits are Sugar and Starch.

This battle is worse than cigarettes because the feel-good food in this house is mainly carbs.

I had managed to overcome my craving for Nasi Lemak.

I want to make this year the year I win over Sugar and Starch.

So many things I want to achieve as far as diet is concerned.

I still want to read Mark Sisson's book.

Hey, I think this RUN, READ, WRITE, REST is going to be my Ikigai.

What is lacking is the reading part.  I need to commit to my reason for being.  Otherwise, I will derail from my own railroad track.

What I can do is to start committing on weekend.  Then slowly I do away with listening to others in TraXX and just rendezvous with Big Brain Baby.

Otherwise, I won't finish reading so many good books.

This is my retirement plan.  I need to execute my own life's agenda now that I am in full control of my time.  Hence I am the captain of my ship.  I am fully in charge of my life.

I like where this is going so far.  Solitude is a resource.  My books and electronic gadgets are my ultimate resources.

That is quality living.  I need to maintain a favorable environment for my personal development.  That is none other than being in CCC and my 5 km radius.

Meeting people is a waste of time and money.  It is my intention to STOP SPENDING.

Now I don't smoke, I don't eat out and I can wear my old clothes.  Hence my spending should be very minimal.

Honestly, Sarah, I like it very much.  I feel very light.

Once I get rid of my lust for things, I begin to focus in intrinsic achievement. That I get b[u]y (by) being thin and fast.  That is progress.

Not in accumulating stuff.  UTILIZE THE STUFF instead of continuously buying more and more expensive.

This is certainly the phase of completion.  It is much better than the phase of success.  I have nobody to please other than myself.  There is nobody to kowtow.  Above my head is the clear blue sky.

I am already at the Summit of Al Araf 7:7.  Call it self-actualization or satori or awakening or heaven, I made it through.

Happiness is not about going after more and more expensive.  It is about going for less and less frequent.

Slow down, enjoy the scenery, savor the moment.

I guess the satisfaction of attending to your own thoughts is as pleasurable as those people who achieve Nirvana while meditating.

I can't do that; just sitting still and do nothing.  Maybe someday I will appreciate it.  Until then, my active meditation is music, running, and writing.

I wish I can derive the same amount of pleasure from reading.


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