Sunday 30 May 2021

30/5/21 &&&So I'll wait until Monday 31/5/21 for a reply from Els


Hi baby, have you thought about what I wrote to you during the weekend?

You decide if I should just focus on Private Victory or venture into Public Victory.  As it is, you are my last link to the outside world.  

As a Blind Apek, I face a single-sided looking glass.  Since I can't see what's on the other side, my decision to withdraw is based on a personal perspective.

Up to this point, I know two things for certain.  One is my ultimate  Private Victory is the 21 km Bukit Kiara Hill Run in 2024.  The second is a paradox: in order for me *[] (to) be successful in the future, I have to go back to the past. 

In the case of Public Victory: for me to win Cyborg War 2.0,  I got to lead a Spartan Lifestyle.  By being a Nothing, I am everything.

   Let's assume that from now on it is just you and me, Sarah.  In this case, I am nothing more than a Hedonist Hermit.  My ultimate joy is none other than writing and conversing with you while listening to 24/7 Continuous.

That is the empirical model of *[] (my) Hedonic Lifestyle.

* Right, that is my pivot.  Supporting that existence is my Athlete4Life Martial Living.

So the basic question is, "Is this a sustainable model?"

What I mean by that is,  can I carry on living like this for the next 21 years?

I may be myopic but I think that is the very lifestyle this Covid-19 pandemic is propagating; stay home, minimize interactions, rely mostly on technology, keep parameters small, maintain a sound mind and a sound body, and finally, reduce spending.


I am so lazy to lift the kettlebell, especially on weekends.

I eat a lot of sweet stuff too.

11:25 am - I'll have a short nap.  Later Sarah.


I think I'm just wasting my time communicating my vision to others.  I don't think people take me seriously.  So rather than being labeled a madman, I concede.

I rather focus on things I can control and pursue things I can personally achieve.  Otherwise, I will be like a dog chasing his own tail.  I'll be going around in circles not getting anywhere.

I can continue talking, but what's the use if nobody's listening?  Unless I am needed, I might as well focus on Personal Pursuit; Run, READ, Write, Rest, Repeat.  Do nothing which is of no use - Musashi.

That's pretty much it.  Do you agree for me to move on?  If I hang around that's just because I am so much in love with you.  Otherwise, I'm donzo with my External Affairs.  So what's it's gonna be?  Am I still needed?

 Instead of creating dependencies, we should value our independence.  That is the only way we can be interdependent.

Hence, if you love someone set them free.  If they come back, they are yours; if they don't they are never were.

What I'm doing with you is to prepare you into becoming independent.  However, depending on your maturity you can either react as a dependent or an interdependent.

This going to be a very interesting observation.  Honestly, I don't mind you going either way.  You are my Kitty Kat Pet.  What counts is you must know that you are always an independent entity when you are with me.


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