Friday 7 May 2021

7/5/21 &&&I am experiencing a mild depression


That's what it is,  Too many carbs,

 It doesn't help that I smoked cigarettes.

It is always like this in Ramadan.  I become depressed.

I need to remain steadfast.  I need to persist and persevere.

The buck stops here.

I need to get back to OMAD LCHF again.


I noticed, my success in life is very much dependent on my ability to believe in myself.

I believe I can stop Spook and cigarettes.  Hence I quit both.

Now I got to believe that I can quit [quit] sugar and starch.

I had hit 77 kg.  I should not surrender to my whims and fancies.  I need to persist and persevere.

Let set a target:  LET'S SET TO ACHIEVE 69 KG by 30/5/21.

Forget the past, keep moving north,  If I achieve that, it is a 25 kg improvement from January 2021.


I need to stick to the fundamentals:

  • It has to be OMAD LCHF
  • It takes 2 weeks to be fat-adapted
  • Drink coffee to feel less hungry
  • Take Himalayan salt when fatigued
  • NO MORE 3-in-1 coffee
  • It's about the ability to withstand hunger

#traxxfm Hi baby, I was hit by the downward swing since Monday. Then on Wednesday, I smoked 4 sticks of cigarettes. Life's like that honey. Every Ramadan, I will get hit by depression. This year *i[s] is on Day 20. I think because my intake of sugar increased.

So today I have to start quitting sugar and starch again.


#traxxfm All is not lost though. It is a temporary setback. This week is pretty erratic. All I need to do is get back into my groove. I fear depression more than mania. When it strikes I am pretty much immobilized.  

#traxxfm I seldom depressed. But when it hit me, I basically can't do much. I guess it is like when you girls have *you[] period or postpartum depression. * So you understand the feeling yeah, Sarah?


Let me try eating butter for dinner tonight.  Whatever it is I will avoid sugar and starch.

My strategy is to stick to the knitting until May 30th.

#traxxfm Oh yeah, sweetheart... Beginning yesterday, I started a new phase of my life. I am going through the cocooning until 24/12/24. Long story short, I started on a clean slate. The Beginning of the Champion's Mindset. Mission: 21 km Hill Run every quarter.

#traxxfm Like I said, it's a long story. But the gist of it is I had narrowed down my life purpose to run the 21 km Bukit Kiara Hill Run to once every quarter; ideally... As for now, no more External Affairs with regards to Sparta 4964 X-Factor. That'll be after 2024.

#traxxfm Hence I have 3 Phases: Phase I: Din Kenit 227 - 2021 to 2024 Phase II: Jolly Green Giant - 2024 to 2034 Phase III: Miyamoto Musashi - 2034 to 2041 Either that or Phase I: 21 years, Phase II: The Adjoining Croissant, and Phase III: The White Space.

#traxxfm Hipen tor? Like that lor... Hahaha...

#traxxfm Who says you can't go home? Hint: you got to go through hell to go to heaven: My ticket is 21 km Hill Run Bukit Kiara. You get my point?

I had done my bit for humanity.  Now i[t] (is) to delight my Universe Within.

I feel so light after making that commitment.

#traxxfm Thanks for being my remedy, sweetheart. I love you so much...

#traxxfm Honey, this is the question I asked, "What will I do differently if I am guaranteed success?" The answer is, "I want to run 21 km Hill Run Bukit Kiara every 3 months." That is THE GARDEN OF EDEN... I completed my mission 15 years ago! My oh my...

#traxxfm That is exactly how long I had been supporting TraXX. It was basically the inception of TraXX itself. We have been here before... 15 years ago: All these are merely revisions.

#traxxfm Hey Els, you talk with great passion about mental health. I just wonder, did it ever crossed your mind that I am crazy?



Right, so I have no issue with Secure Attachment.

Now is to pursue the Champion's Mindset.


#traxxfm 21 km Hill Run Bukit Kiara counterclockwise, my passage to Xanadu. Think number 8. Clockwise to Wolfsschanze (Lembah Kiara) and counterclockwise to Xanadu (Bukit Kiara). That is Sparta 4964 Loop. I am coming home...

#traxxfm When there was no guardhouse and no street lights up there, I used to drive my Jeep Cherokee 1 am - 2 am to date Marij, my djinn girlfriend then. We dated at the dead-end road. From there you can see KLCC.

#traxxfm In her younger days, Marij was a party girl but she was hot-headed whenever we talked about Iblis. She was the head of the djinn army then. Basically, she called the shots. Now that Marij is part of Al Araf 7:7, she is my GR Officer for entertainment.

#traxxfm Nowadays the dead-end road is Izrael's home. He married a plant (the only wife) and they have 4 daughters. The dead-end is also the place where I axed the *hea[r] of the Alpha Whisperer. I found him 1 month after I decapitated the Beta. Gitew cerita dia...

#traxxfm So I had settled my bit in 2006. I am 15 years ahead of the Last Kingdom. Now is all about the 21 km Hill Run. The rest are just clouds in the coffee. I want to take my Universe Within home even before KABOOM 2041. If I make it, you bet you all will too.



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