Saturday 8 May 2021

9/5/21 ###All I got to do is mind my own business and live my life as I deem fit

Make it a closed circuit.  Once I step out to open the circuit, I will be out of sync.  Just like what happened when I blasted the text messages on social media.

So to mitigate the impact of mania, I deleted those names that are nonrelevant.  Make it real small.  Only deal with those that matter.

I have to.  Otherwise, I am like a ship without a rudder.  I will go off tangent.


I have to bear in mind, in the end, I have to deal with a mental illness.  It is not a spiritual awakening as many would like to believe.  It is a chemical imbalance.

That doesn't stop me from creating my own reality.  Something that gives me meaning so that I can make sense of my life experience.

What I should not do i[t] (is) extending that worldview beyond my own realm of reality.  If I do, I will be disappointed because the majority don't subscribe to my beliefs.

My beliefs only apply to me.  That's because the truth is whatever we believe in.  Therefore my beliefs are only true to me.  As for the absolute truth, there is none.

Maybe someday I will know if my truth is really the absolute truth.  However, at this point, I am pretty convinced that whatever I deemed as truth is only true because I believe in it.

The minute I stop believing, the truth is no longer true.

Therefore we are always building castles in the sky.  My castle happens to be a very big castle; Sparta 4964.  Nevertheless, it is still the product of my imagination.

This will work if we say, whatever imagination is real.  If not imagination is just another term for thought projection.

If we want to accept imagination as reality, then we must accept that thoughts are things and therefore our consciousness will endure for eternity.

If we hold on to that premise, then anything is possible.

If not, we are back to what we can physically manifest.

As I said, I can imagine all the way to the very end of time.  However, physically I cannot even run 5 km continuously.  What good is that?

I might as well focus on making myself physically stronger than imagining what is beyond my physical reality.

Don't you think so Sarah?

What good is an imagination that is too grandiose as compared to a physical goal to attain personal bliss?

That is my contention.  I had ventured far and wide chasing rainbows.  Now I want to enjoy my pot of gold by being physically active.


While I was chasing rainbows, are the thoughts real or are they just figments of my imagination?  If we say thoughts are thin[k]s (things) and our consciousness endures, then those imaginations are actually epiphanies.  That however should not be at the expense of foregoing physical activity of which we attain Personal Bliss.

For what it's worth, deeds not words.



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