Thursday 6 May 2021

6/5/21 ###I had a good rest

 I slept from 8:00 am to 1:15 pm accompanied by the acoustic guitar.

I guess BJ got the main theme last night; in the afterlife, we are all converging to eventually become one with God.

RR cannot grasp the idea that we gods will eventually become God.  We become One.

BJ was spot on regarding heaven.  Eventually, everybody will go to heaven.  I told RR, we all will end up in heaven but we must go through hell to go to heaven.  Everybody has to pay the ferryman.

He pondered about it for a long time but he didn't say a word.

I guess I still cannot penetrate his belief system but at least he is willing to listen.


OK, that's it.  I had done my bit to explain what is in my mind.  Now I am more interested in executing my *o[rd]ering (offering) as a man fully functioning.

*  Perhaps you made a point there.  In my case, I obey and obey.

You know Sarah, it is easy to theorize about the idea of becoming a man fully functioning.  However, it is a totally encompassing experience in making it a reality.

You love m[a] (me), right?

Now suppose I say that in the end, I just want to be as simple as possible so that I can be all that I can be.  Will you be able to accept that?

I had prepared 4 years as Din Kenit 227, 10 years as the Jolly Green Giant, and 7 years as Miyamoto Musashi.  However the truth beyond the truth, my passion is to run 21 km Bukit Kiara 4 times a year every quarter.

When I ran the 11 km Hill in 2014, something happened to me.  I entered the Realm of Heaven.  I became one with the Universe.  Because of that, I know my ultimate reward is the 21 km Hill Run.

I got to go through hell to enter heaven.  That is my rite of passage to Xanadu.

With the 21 km Hill Run, I am coming home WITHOUT having to wait for 2041.  That is the quickest way to reach Dragon Planet; by running on Darkness's back.

All the while, as I envision myself running the 21 km Hill Run, I have to overcome my own personal shortcomings.

I am still struggling with weight, I have depression showing up once in a while, I still enjoy a good cigarette in the company of BJ and RR, I still drink 3-in-1 coffee, and much more.

I am still very much human and yet I strive to be a man fully functioning.

I am moving further away from the 77 kg I recently achieved.  I am now within the 82 kg range.

These are my concerns.  *No[w] (Not) the fate of the human race.  That I had sorted out in the past blogs.

*  Thanks for your understanding my Eternal Flame.

The blogs from this point on are about me becoming a man fully functioning with all my shortcomings and all. 

I might sound narcissistic along the way but rest assure, I am in that mode because I am my own coach and motivator.


Sarah my darling wife, I look forward to being with you for eternity.  I am willing to wait for 20 years for that to happen.

I had mentally prepared for that.  The future is very clear.  We will reach our destination one way or the other.  All we need to do is persist and persevere.  Be patient Sarah...  All the while, hold on to the Secure Attachment.

In my case, I keep the Vision alive by being positive about the future; Atalanta, Xanadu in Medina, Seattle, NNW, NNE, NZ, HOTS, House of Sha, drawing cartoons, learning the bamboo flute, etc., etc.  Those are the future.

The present is not bad at all.  I have CCC, I have the Giants Troika, Al Araf 7:7, B.L.E.S.S., my 5 km Radius, and Bukit Kiara.

So really Sarah, this is life as it is laid out in front of us.  Just embrace it with open arms.


I was playing a dangerous game when I smoked cigarettes last night.  If I don't persist, soon I will be smoking like chimney again.

Now I need to quarantine myself for 2 weeks so that I don't pick up the habit again.


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