Tuesday 11 May 2021

>>>#12/5/21 Let see what the night brings


Internal discussion with Big I before I hit the pillow.

I better sleep.

Goodnight darling...

Wow, I just realized that I am operating from the Intipadu (Solid Core).  This is the essence.

Whatever I spur here is magnified many times more in Sparta 4964.

I'm supposed to stay put within my White Space in Wolfsschanze.

So what will happen if I choose to scale Xanadu?

Can I accelerate KABOOM 2041?  Can it be in 2024?

What I can do is train for the next four years so that I can mubahallah on 24/12/24 and run a 21 km Hill Run on the 25th of December 2024.

I see...  The run can or can not happen but the mubahallah is a must.

Like that?

Yes, Sha.

So that means it's like a slinky waving between two poles.  It can wave as much as it likes but the poles remain fixed.

That's right Sha, KABOOM 2041 is fixed.

What happens if I whack the Ace?

Basically, you are just knocking at heaven's door.  It will be open unto you in 2041.

Hmmm... What is the point of knocking and not being admitted?

Do it at least once.  Then from there on just do it as a leisure activity.  Once a quarter is too much.

What do you suggest Big I?

Do it once in 2024 is sufficient.  Other times you do the 11 km Hill Run.  You can still be Icarus if you want to but you should take a leisure pace to reach Xanadu.  Enjoy your retirement by training a[s] (at) a leisure pace.

OK Big I, let me perfected my 11 km Hill Run.

Relax Sha, this is not a race.  This is a celebration.  You are coming home.  Imagine this like taking your Universe Within on a homecoming parade.

Furthermore, within this year, you are doing the 10 km Training at Bandar Utama.  So even running at Bukit Kiara is a feat for you.

You are right Big I.  I was overzealous with enthusiasm.  I should think about the 11 km Hill Run BEFORE I a[]m (aim) for the 21 km Hill.

Don't worry.  Aim high but remain grounded.

Big I, will it be a happy ever after ending?

Yes Sha, after everybody pays the Ferryman.

Is my job done?

Yes Sha, you can retire peacefully and focus on your Athlete4Life aspiration.

I like it very much Big I...


I sent you another email before bed. Sweet dreams darling...

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